Win tickets to Dinosaur Train at Cobb Energy Center on 2/22

Part of the joy of being a parent is having fun with your children.  Dinosaur Train is the rare children’s television show that has wit, intelligence, humor, teachable moments and education in the same package.  The fact that Dinosaur Train is enjoyable for the parent as well makes it even more of a treat.  Jim Henson’s Dinosaur Train Live:  Buddy’s Big Adventure is traveling the country and will be at Cobb Energy Center for two shows on February 22 at 1 and 4.

Dinosaur Train at Cobb Energy Center Feb 22-win tickets here from Daddy Mojo

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Big Apple Circus delivers in an intimate big top experience

Go big or go home? Not necessarily when you go to the Big Apple Circus. The Big Apple Circus is a more intimate version of Cirque de Soleil crossed with Barnum and Bailey Circus. I took my sons, ages 4 and 2, to see the circus with my 11 year-old niece who came to help. But between the clowns, the acrobats and the animals, they had us covered.

Big Apple Circus review by Daddy Mojo

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Discover the Dinosaurs review: great times for kids for 2+ hours

Discover the Dinosaurs is a traveling exhibit that features dinosaur attractions of a wide variety.  The entire exhibition is broken up into two distinct areas. The exhibit area features the moving, roaring dinosaurs that will captivate your child’s imagination.  The other areas like the Dino Dig, Dino Theater, Dino Den, Dinosaur Rides, inflatables, gem & fossil panning, mini golf and gift shop make up the other half.  Our review of Discover the Dinosaurs says that it’s a great time for kids, but parents need to be aware of a couple things in order to really appreciate the event.

Discover the Dinosaurs

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Win tickets to the Big Apple Circus: Luminosity in Alpharetta

Since 1975 Big Apple Circus has been sharing the joy of the classical circus to audiences all over the United States.  For the second year in a row Big Apple Circus is coming to Alpharetta, this time brining their new show, Luminosity.  Luminosity will be playing from January 30-February 17 at Verizon Wireless Amphitheater.

Big Apple Circus brings Luminocity to Alpharetta

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The 2014 Toyota Tundra 1794 Edition review

When they dropped off the 2014 Toyota Tundra 1794 Edition for me to test drive I was immediately taken back by how big and red it was.  Granted the red will vary, especially if yours is a different color.  The size, however, will remain the same and it’s a big full size truck.  “Wow, it’s like a TARDIS”, I said to the person dropping off the truck.

The 2014 Toyota Tunda 1794 Edition Edition in driveway side

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Living life like it’s Thanksgiving Day with my New Years Resolutions

Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day are bookend holidays.  You’ve got major religious holidays between them and all sorts of retail sales, family obligations and social events jammed in too.   The bookend dates, and the New Years Resolutions that follow, highlight things that we could and in some cases should do every day.  However we’ve become conditioned to think that if it doesn’t happen on that day then you have to put it off until that date next year in order to start again.


Continue reading Living life like it’s Thanksgiving Day with my New Years Resolutions

A prize packed holiday Twitter Party from Personal Creations, #PCholiday, 12/16, 1 PM ET

This is part of a compensated campaign.  All thoughts are 100% my own.  Having said that, I really do love giving my wife and family quality gifts, it’s even better when she gives you that look like “oh, I love it!”.  Yeah, so Christmas is literally just around the corner.  Do not freak out if you need to get a couple more items.  Don’t even freak out if you need a personalized item that will blow the socks off of that special someone.  Personal Creations has some of the most unique items on the market, can personalize all of them and your wife/girlfriend or you will love them.

Family tree of hearts

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A visit to Festival of the SEAson at Georgia Aquarium

On a cold, rainy Sunday we received tickets to the Festival of the SEAson at Georgia Aquarium, featuring SCUBA Claus, the FantaSEA in Lights, Mermaid Performance and Seaside St. Nick. Not that you really have to convince our children to go see animals. This, however, was different – we were combining Santa Claus and animals – not to mention that this was the first family trip out together in at least a month, since the entire family has been sick with stomach flu, foot & mouth or colds since mid-November. To put it simply: excitement was off the charts.

SCUBA Claus at Georgia Aquarium

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