1001 Silly Would You Rather Questions to Spark Family Fun

I’m a substitute teacher and I was in a tenth-grade class the other day. They had finished the ‘work’  they had to do online and I was attempting to pry additional work out of their surly teen souls. I did get confirmation of needed assignments from one student, but they had already waved the white flag of surrender. It was just an essay on something, they wouldn’t tell me what it was on, but it was a paragraph of original thought that had stressed this student to the point of Tik Tok-removal despair. This brings me to The Ultimate Book of Would You Rather Questions: 1001 Family-Friendly Challenges for Kids, Teens and Adults.

The Ultimate Book of Would You Rather Questions is the silly, fun, left-field, impossible queries that builds friendships and families.
Conversation in the form of questions for kids that don’t want to talk

Horizon of Khufu is VR the way that you imagine its potential will become

Just under 30 years ago I came to Atlanta for a business trip and the client wanted to impress us by taking us to a “VR experience”. It was VR, but it was the mid-90s version of it that has us tethered via a thick cord that constrained our movement as we navigated a series of lines that were akin to Pong or a very primitive first-person-shooter game. Horizon of Khufu: Journey in Ancient Egypt is not that version of VR. This is a wholly immersive VR experience that puts you into old town Khufu. You do still have to wear the glasses. However, as an entertainment experience for the price point, it’s challenging to put Horizon of Khufu in a league with anything else.

Horizon of Khufu is what you knew VR could be. It’s a story-driven, interactive journey that takes you to Giza and back.
Ignore how you look with the headset on and jump into the water

STEM, cosplay, jet propulsion and planetary geology at Dragon Con

Every August when I introduce myself to students I give them the FAQ about my life. One of the things that I mention to them is that I go to Dragon Con each year to play video games and listen to the scientists who are speaking. “Do you dress up like a dragon?” is what the smarmy response that a couple of the well-meaning, but curious kids will utter. This year when they asked I said “Yes, and I’ll be talking with jet propulsion specialists, NASA engineers, and others who have been integral in the outer space discoveries for decades to come.” I’ve been practicing my ‘yes, and’ method of shutting down or continuing conversations in the manner of improv comedy.

Dragon Con is much more than a Con. It’s a gathering of all things pop culture and one of the most accessible and entertaining science conversations that you’ll have access to.
Where can you dig all of this and speak science at the deep end?

Year after year, MomoCon just gets better

MomoCon 2023 is in the books and it marks the seventh time that we’ve attended with our children. They’re 13 and 11 now and the difference in how they’ve engaged with the con is dramatic and has kept up with the times. I’ll explain more about that in a moment, but one of the first things out of mouth, when I tell teachers or parents about MomoCon, is that it truly is an all-ages con.

MomoCon just gets better as our children get older. They’re able to dig into the anime or manga booths, watch wrestling, video game competitions and view the stunning cosplay.
Momocon is to be marked on your calendar every year

The 35th Anniversary of JapanFest Atlanta is September 17-18

Readers of the site may know that I lived in Japan for a few years. Thus, it would stand to reason that we really enjoy going to JapanFest each year. It’s being held September 17 and 18 at Gas South Convention Center in Duluth, Georgia. We were thinking the other day about people who don’t have an affinity for Japanese culture. Why would they want to come to JapanFest? What could they possibly get out of it?

The 35th Anniversary of JapanFest Atlanta is September 17-18 at Gas South Convention Center, it’s family friendly fun with great food, music and arts.
Family friendly, international flair fun kids will dig

Walt Disney World College Program is now accepting applications

I think about Walt Disney World every day. It’s more than I should and in a parallel world I’m probably still working there. The other day I was speaking with someone about WDW and they mentioned the College Program. For me that’s where it all started at the Walt Disney World College Program. It’s an internship like no other one on Earth that has the power to deliver whatever it is that you’re looking for from it.

Walt Disney World College Program is now accepting applications. This window is only open twice a year and it doesn’t last long, so don’t delay.
Image from https://jobs.disneycareers.com/job/orlando/disney-college-program/391/22371421136?cid=21471
The Disney College Program is accepting applications now, don’t delay

7 Tips to Throw a Costume Party on a Budget

Costume parties are a great way to celebrate Halloween, especially when you go all out on food and drinks. Unfortunately, throwing a costume party can also cost quite a bit of money, so it’s tough for some people. If you want to throw a costume party on a budget, try these seven tips.

Party on, and do so affordably with these tips

5 Ways to Be There for a Loved One

Whenever someone is going through a difficult time in their life, a little support from family and friends goes a long way. Whether they are feeling underappreciated at work or experiencing personal turmoil, being treated with acts of kindness tells them that they are not alone.

But when a loved one is facing these challenges, it can be a bit difficult to show your appreciation in a way that feels sincere. With that being said, it is not an impossible goal to achieve if you know what to do.

To help you through these challenges, here are 5 ways to be there for a loved one in times of need.

5 Ways to Be There for a Loved On 2
5 Ways to Be There for a Loved On
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