Dad spends a day in the mancave: The Mechanic & Ong Bak 3

A day in the mancave is a curse and a blessing.  On the positive side it can mean that dad has earned a truly lazy day to sit on the sofa, eat bacon and watch utter garbage without any guilt from camp estrogen.  On the negative side it can mean that dad is sick and has to lie on the sofa while watching utter garbage and relying on help from camp estrogen. Continue reading Dad spends a day in the mancave: The Mechanic & Ong Bak 3

Daddy Mojo at the Movies-Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

We stopped watching Pirates of the Caribbean after the second one.  Me and my then future wife saw it in the theaters and it was OK, a little long and ended as a cliff hanger.  Any movie that ends in a curt manner with a cliffhanger shall have a pox on their franchise in the Mojo house.  That includes Back to the Future Part 2, as well as, the upcoming Harry Potter and Twilight. Continue reading Daddy Mojo at the Movies-Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Daddy Mojo reviews: BubCap for your iPhone or iPad

Ask anybody with a toddler and an iPhone or iPad and you’ll get the same response-“they won’t give it back”!  Our toddler is just 19 months old and loves, absolute loves our iPad.  The fact that he can control, learn and play with it makes his iPad time something he looks forward to.  Granted, he doesn’t know when iPad time is, as it usually occurs when he’s on the verge of a melt down or needs something to hold his attention. Continue reading Daddy Mojo reviews: BubCap for your iPhone or iPad

Dad spends a night in the man cave: The Revenge

Mom had a business trip to visit one of her clients.  While dad certainly misses his bride for the night, he would also welcome some time in the man cave.   This trip had been announced for a couple weeks and not so secretly, dad had been making a man cave short list of movies to watch.  Mom tried to help by saying that dad could watch two movies in one night.  However, in reality, the short list was actually a real list of short actors in movies he’d wanted to see. Continue reading Dad spends a night in the man cave: The Revenge

Daddy Mojo reviews: Green Lantern toys

As a dad and comic book guy I’m psyched to see Green Lantern in theaters.  When I was a kid the thing that hooked me to Green Lantern was the fact that, despite being a super hero, he was only as super as his imagination.  If GL can physically handle it and can think about it, the ring can create it, as long as he’s not defending something yellow.

Would the Green Lantern toys measure up to entertain today’s kids?  We received the Green Lantern Colossal Cannon and an Abin Sur action figure and put it up against the standards of a pack of young boys. Continue reading Daddy Mojo reviews: Green Lantern toys

April iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

Our iPad is a great piece of machinery.  As Toddler Mojo gets older we’re learning more and more that it can be an invaluable tool in educating him and keeping dad sane.  The iPad sure isn’t a toy.  However, all of those stories you hear about children loving the iPad are true and sometimes those quiet moments your child has with it are priceless.

Here are three great apps that can really help out mom and dad when yon toddler needs a distraction. Continue reading April iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

Daddy Mojo reads, Ice, by Arthur Geisert

As we are relatively fresh to the world of children’s books Arthur Geisert’s style and characters were new to us.  Arthur Geisert’s characters are pigs; real pigs that walk and interact with one another like humans do.  However, that is where any semblance of normal ends and a head tripping hog tale starts. Continue reading Daddy Mojo reads, Ice, by Arthur Geisert

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