Dad plays with WWE Defining Moments Mattel Figures-Giveaway!

Growing up I was very much into the WWF.  I’m old enough to grow up when it was still the WWF and not the WWE.  Now I would never confuse one of the highest spectacles of sports entertainment with an animal wildlife organization.  As a mature fan of the WWE I can still embrace the sport and remember the entertainers that paved the way for the young stars today. Continue reading Dad plays with WWE Defining Moments Mattel Figures-Giveaway!

Dad spends a night in the mancave: Battle: Los Angeles

It’s summer, 70 degrees & 40% humidity at night and your child, boss, spouse or (insert choice noun of bothering thing here) has been frustrating you all day.  All you want to do is watch a quality to semi-not so bad movie to relax your over heated self.  Such was the case with us recently when Battle: Los Angeles found its way to our home. Continue reading Dad spends a night in the mancave: Battle: Los Angeles

July iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

Your iPad or tablet is an amazing device that can conduct business, keep you in the knowledge loop and provide hours of entertainment to toddlers and children.  Here’s a look at four apps that keep our Mojo occupied when dad or mom need a break.  Continue reading July iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

Cars 2 giveaway: Cars 2 shirt, puzzle and more!

Cars 2 comes to theaters on June 24th and it’s the most entertaining family film that we’ve seen all year.  To help get you motivated to see it we’re giving away a cadre of Cars 2 goodies.


The Loot
You’ll win a Cars 2 t-shirt in a youth size of S, M, L or XL, a Cars 2 set of three bumper stickers, a Cars 2 set of temporary tattoos and a Cars 2 puzzle. Continue reading Cars 2 giveaway: Cars 2 shirt, puzzle and more!

Daddy Mojo at the movies: Cars 2

PIXAR has a high bar.  No other movie company has such a consistently high bar to jump over for any of their releases.  Cars was a good movie, but not a great movie, especially when looked at through the prism of what people expect from PIXAR.  With this background established I saw Cars 2 with a key member of their demographic, a 4 year old boy and his father. Continue reading Daddy Mojo at the movies: Cars 2

Daddy Mojo at the Movies: Mr. Poppers Penguins

Jim Carrey is Mr. Popper.  He’s a successful 30 something real estate developer in NYC who has a knack for acquiring impossible deals.  One aspect of his professional success and personal demeanor is driven by the fact that his father didn’t spend much time with him as a child. His father was exploring the world including the South Pole, from whence the penguins in the title come from. Continue reading Daddy Mojo at the Movies: Mr. Poppers Penguins

Daddy Mojo reads: Sgt. Rock, The Lost Battalion

As a kid I didn’t read St. Rock often.  A friend of mine had a big stash of war and western comics, like Weird War, Sgt. Rock and Jonah Hex; while I had Spiderman and Superman.  Mine were more mainstream and my friends’ comics had a historic feel like you were looking back at real events in time. Continue reading Daddy Mojo reads: Sgt. Rock, The Lost Battalion

Dad spends a (family) night in the Mancave: Field of Vision

Normally dad spends a night in the mancave by himself watching typical guy movies that the estrogen set find boring or juvenile.   However, on this occasion we were asked to preview Field of Vision.  Field of Vision is the latest entry into Family Movie Night on NBC.  It airs June 11 at 8:00 EST and is sponsored by Wal-Mart and P&G. Continue reading Dad spends a (family) night in the Mancave: Field of Vision

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