September iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

The weather is fabulous, but if it were up to our toddler he’d be on the iPad for hours a day. We limit his time to about 20 minutes a day on the iPad.  Usually it’s when we’re cooking, cleaning or just need a short break.  For now, open up the windows, enjoy that cool breeze and have your toddler check out these great (Free!) apps for your iPad.  Continue reading September iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

Goop iPhone App Review and Giveaway

I love my smartphone.  It’s my mobile office, photograph storage device, camera, email machine, Facebook checker and twitter sender.  My smartphone is also a fabulous way to kill time.  Granted, rare is the time when a stay at home dad blogger, with a part time business, has time to kill.  In those rare instances, it’s good to have something that can take your mind away and occupy less time than watching TMZ. Continue reading Goop iPhone App Review and Giveaway

Daddy Mojo reads: Finding Uri by Sandy Munro

Finding Uri is the true story of a father and son who never knew each other.  Uri was a WWII pilot, shot down in action, leaving behind a wife and their three year old son, Sandy. A year after his mother’s death, Sandy receives a box that contained hundreds of letters that his mother and father had written to each other.  To make the letters even more emotional, some of them were written after Uri’s death, but before Betsy knew.  Continue reading Daddy Mojo reads: Finding Uri by Sandy Munro

Daddy Mojo reads: Fox and Hen Together by Beatrice Rodriguez

Earlier this year we reviewed a very charming book called The Chicken Thief.  It’s a wordless book that tells the story of a fox, a hen and their forbidden love affair.  Of course any book that has a happy ending, what with the fox and the hen living together, has a high likelihood of producing a sequel. Continue reading Daddy Mojo reads: Fox and Hen Together by Beatrice Rodriguez

Daddy Mojo reads: The End of Molasses Classes by Ron Clark

For people outside of Atlanta the name Ron Clark may solely be regulated to a television movie in 2006 that told the story of Clarks teaching experience in New York City.  Ron Clark was Disney’s American Teacher of the Year in 2000 and has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The Today Show and others.  In 2008 the Ron Clark Academy, a private school for students in grades 5-8, opened on the south side of Atlanta.  In short, Ron Clark is the teacher that everybody wants to have for one reason or another. Continue reading Daddy Mojo reads: The End of Molasses Classes by Ron Clark

August iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

The dog days of summer are a fabulous time for the iPad.  It’s too hot to go outside, there’s not enough time to go to the pool and your toddler is restless.  If you’re in that boat and your toddler needs a quick distraction then these three apps will entertain and give them a bit of an education to boot. Continue reading August iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

Dad spends a night in the mancave: Unknown

Sometimes an actor builds up such good will with their audience that they’re able to star in trite on wheels, but people will still see it and like it.  Maybe they won’t ‘like it’, but they’re not going to go out and trash it, usually.  Unknown tries to bank on this characteristic that exudes from Liam Neeson. Continue reading Dad spends a night in the mancave: Unknown

Dad spends a (family) night in the mancave: Who is Simon Miller?

Normally when Dad crawls into the mancave it’s by himself to watch something that may not be so family friendly.  Watching television with children is tough, because most of the time it’s either too boring for you or too adult for them.  To that end P&G has created Family Movie Night to showcase original, family friendly movies. Continue reading Dad spends a (family) night in the mancave: Who is Simon Miller?

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