Blue Ivy and other bizarre baby names

Congratulations go out to Jay Z and Beyonce who welcomed their first child into the world.  Congratulation also goes out to them for joining other (mainly) celebrities who’ve given their child a bizarre, potentially punitive name.  Continue reading Blue Ivy and other bizarre baby names

Mission Impossible 4 in IMAX is large and in charge action fun

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol is the 4th entry in the franchise and easily the most entertaining out of all of them.  The movie takes advantage of the picturesque scenery in Moscow, Dubai and Mumbai to all but require watching the film in IMAX.  I saw the film in IMAX and the difference in the scenes shot in IMAX and those that weren’t are like comparing an LP to an MP3 file. Continue reading Mission Impossible 4 in IMAX is large and in charge action fun

Dad spends a night in the mancave: Captain America

Last year I momentarily got my boxers in a bunch because Captain America was not going to be filmed in the U.S.  The irony of not filming a movie called Captain America not in his namesake could only be distracted by a pregnant wife, crawling baby and work.   Thankfully all three of those things happened to make me realize I didn’t have time to think about where some movie would be filmed.  Continue reading Dad spends a night in the mancave: Captain America

Daddy Mojo reads The Great Expectations School by Dan Brown

I enjoy watching zombie movies.  There’s a sense of dread that hangs in the air.  You want to yell out to the characters not to do something or to run anyplace other than where they are now.  In a way I enjoyed reading The Great Expectations School, a Rookie year in the New Blackboard Jungle for some of those same reasons. Continue reading Daddy Mojo reads The Great Expectations School by Dan Brown

The Muppets fit like a green hand puppet

I didn’t really like The Muppets as a child.  It aired from ’76 to ’81 and I was too into The Six Million Dollar Man or thought that The Muppets were just for little kids.  However, my mother loved The Muppets and would watch them every week.  Because of that, I do have some memories of watching Pigs in Space and other Muppet skits during Steve Austin’s commercial breaks. Continue reading The Muppets fit like a green hand puppet

Married couples whose sex life needs a boost-Reality TV call

Before being a stay-at-home dad I had the opportunity to appear on reality television.   It was as part of my previous job and for Animal Planet’s, It’s Me or the Dog.  Being part of reality television was very pleasurable and not at all what I expected.  Continue reading Married couples whose sex life needs a boost-Reality TV call

The new Tide Laundry Detergent does stay-at-home dads right

More often than not dads in TV advertisements are portrayed as knuckleheads, jocks or ‘dumb-dad.’  The ‘dumb-dad’ is the generic dimwit father that buys a falcon with the money he saves by switching insurance companies.  Every dad on television doesn’t need to be a scholar who can cook and operate a chainsaw.  However, it is nice to see the dad who is shown in an intelligent or humorous way, without being demeaning. Continue reading The new Tide Laundry Detergent does stay-at-home dads right

Chattahoochee Nature Center’s Halloween Hikes is family fun

If you’re looking for a family friendly activity around Atlanta this time of year be sure to include the Halloween Hikes at Chattahoochee Nature Center.   Don’t let the ‘hike’ in the title fool you, it’s not a strenuous walk through the hills.  Halloween Hikes is a chance for the entire family to take a guided walking tour along the CNC grounds with costumed characters to entertain and inform.  Continue reading Chattahoochee Nature Center’s Halloween Hikes is family fun

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