Skyfall continues the Bond curse, but is the best bond in ages

There is a curse among James Bond movies.  One of curses is that every other James Bond movie will be bad, or at least not nearly as good as its predecessor.   In good news that is the curse that this movie continues.  If you only saw Quantum of Solace and thought that was a James Bond movie, then you owe it to yourself to see Skyfall. Continue reading Skyfall continues the Bond curse, but is the best bond in ages

Lincoln is great, Daniel Day Lewis is mesmerizing

The trailers that first came out for Lincoln didn’t exactly ‘wow’ me.  Moreover, as a rule of thumb I’ve never been attracted to biographies because I know how the story ends.  The reason I was interested in seeing Lincoln at all is because it’s directed by Steven Spielberg and stars Daniel Day Lewis. Continue reading Lincoln is great, Daniel Day Lewis is mesmerizing

Wreck It Ralph is the most entertaining animated movie since Toy Story

I know what you’re thinking.  What about Up, WALL E OR Toy Story 2 or 3?  Yes, I saw all of those and they are marvelous.  However, they weren’t as overall entertaining as Wreck It Ralph. Continue reading Wreck It Ralph is the most entertaining animated movie since Toy Story

Pre-order MIB3 and watch it before it comes out on video #SEEMIB3

I remember the first time I saw a commercial about a DVR.  ‘Wait, I can record live programs on TV, rewind them, watch them and it’s all done with this little box? ”    Now recording TV is passé.  The new hotness is streaming movies before they’re released and receiving a Blu-ray copy of it when it’s officially released. Continue reading Pre-order MIB3 and watch it before it comes out on video #SEEMIB3

Halloween at Disneyland is fun for the family

Fun at Halloween time is often limited to pumpkin patches and hayrides—especially when it comes to families with young children. At Disneyland in California, families are treated to a whole different kind of fun. In fact, the memories and good times to be had have become so popular, that the Halloween season has become one of the busier tourist seasons at the resort. Continue reading Halloween at Disneyland is fun for the family

Date night: Food for A Cabin in the Woods #CouchCritics

Date night for married folks can take many forms.  Sometimes it’s a spontaneous night on the sofa or perhaps an evening that’s planned out where you get a baby sitter and actually leave the house.  It is so important for couples to leave the house once in a while.  We do have those nights, but more often than not we have movie night at Chez Mojo. Continue reading Date night: Food for A Cabin in the Woods #CouchCritics

Frankenweenie is a fun, silly movie that has an old soul

Frankenweenie is the story about young Victor whose dog, Sparky is brought back to life using electricity.  Once Sparky comes back to life things go horribly awry for the city, as well as, Victor’s family and friends.  Sure the plot sounds familiar, but this is a Tim Burton movie, shot in black and white and it’s in 3D. Continue reading Frankenweenie is a fun, silly movie that has an old soul

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