Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus-Dragons in Atlanta and Duluth Feb 13-Mar 3

3 YO Mojo is giddy. For the past two years we’ve been to the welcoming ceremony for the circus.  That’s the elephant parade for lack of a better term when some elephants and clowns come outside the arena the morning before the first show.  Those times he was too young to enjoy it, but now that he knows (and loves) all of his animals, he is primed to go this year. Continue reading Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus-Dragons in Atlanta and Duluth Feb 13-Mar 3

Iron Man Armored Adventures Season 2, Volume 3 is great, but too short

A couple of months ago we took a look at Iron Man Armored Adventure.  Now we’re taking a look at volume 3 from season 2 and it’s as good as volume 1.  The animation is crisp, has lots of fast action and perfect for the entire family.  Simply Google the title and you’ll find more than a couple of 5 year old boys singing the theme song.  Continue reading Iron Man Armored Adventures Season 2, Volume 3 is great, but too short

Odd Duck, a charming graphic novel about friends is great for ages 6+

The title to Odd Duck is appropriate.  This is the odd little story about two ducks, one who is an introvert and her new neighbor who is flamboyant.  The art is soft, rounded, cute and not what you’d think of when you hear the term ‘graphic novel’.  Cartoon book sounds too young.  This is definitely a book, but it’s more like a children’s book, with great illustrations-that anyone over 6 can read and enjoy. Continue reading Odd Duck, a charming graphic novel about friends is great for ages 6+

A Dad reads Acting White? Rethinking Race in Post-Racial America

I love to read.  And yes, I know this is a parenting/dad blog, so why did I read a book entitled Acting White?  Rethinking Race in Post-Racial America?  When I was in junior high school I vividly remember some black kids in class making fun of the black kids who answered questions, did homework or studied.  As a tween, the idea that anybody would use that phrase to describe someone made no sense. Continue reading A Dad reads Acting White? Rethinking Race in Post-Racial America

Superman and the Poisoned Planet is a book kids will dig

When I was 7 I started reading Spidey, it was a version of Spider Man that was produced by The Electric Company.  The stories were Spider Man lite, the language & art was cartoonish and the entire comic was focused on young readers.  While the art may take some of the spotlight, with comic books and heroes it all comes down the reading aspects to make a good book really click. Continue reading Superman and the Poisoned Planet is a book kids will dig

Dad Spends a Night in the Mancave: The Expendables 2 review

We reviewed The Expendable when it came out and it was serviceable, but not really entertaining.  I remember that The A-Team came out about the same time and we loved that movie.   At the time I even said that the wrong movie received the green light for a sequel.  Fast forward two years, The Expendables 2 is out on video and is entertaining, fun, brisk and worth your mancave time. Continue reading Dad Spends a Night in the Mancave: The Expendables 2 review

Animal Man, Vol 2 Animal Vs. Man is weird, creative and wonderful

Animal Man, Vol 2 Animal Vs Man is the graphic novel that collects issues 7-11 in the series.  Buddy is Animal Man, a somewhat normal hero who can channel various powers from the animals.  Maxine is his daughter who, in addition to Buddy can interact with The Red.  The Red connects humans and animals and allows animal powered heroes to get their powers.  Socks is their cat, who is actually a Totem who can speak to them about The Red and things that will happen to them.

Are you confused yet?  If you are don’t worry, just go with it because Animal Man is the best comic I’ve read from The New 52 re-launch of DC.   Continue reading Animal Man, Vol 2 Animal Vs. Man is weird, creative and wonderful

Moving Christmas is a silly Santa story you’ll be drawn to

Moving Christmas is one of those clever Christmas stories that you immediately enjoy.  The illustrations by Max Miceli are fun, bright, goofy and vivid.  The pictures have so much movement and action it looks like they’re screenshots from a movie or app.  Moving Christmas is an app, but it’s also a book. Continue reading Moving Christmas is a silly Santa story you’ll be drawn to

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