G.I. Joe: Retaliation review, redemption for the franchise

G.I. Joe: Retaliation was supposed to be released in the summer of 2012.  It was delayed; people blamed Channing Tatum, the competition it was up against or the filming of the 3D.  G.I Joe: Retaliation is fast cutting action that seems like a cousin to the action films of the late 80’s.  There are some laugh out loud funny one liners; the plot moves fast, there are dozens of ninjas, The Rock and Bruce Willis. Continue reading G.I. Joe: Retaliation review, redemption for the franchise

Go Joe, ways to honor the military

This week is a busy one.  In addition to the work that must be done, I’ve got a couple of meetings and movies that I’m going to.  The movie that I’m most jazzed about seeing is definitely G.I. Joe: Retaliation.  Obviously, that’s a fictional movie that is geared towards entertaining people.  However, there are countless ways for you to help our heroes at home and abroad. Continue reading Go Joe, ways to honor the military

Win a #WWEKmart prize package 4 tickets to WrestleMania on April 7 #Ad

To me spring means flowers, butterflies and WrestleMania. I’ve been a fan ever since the first one, hosted several WrestleMania parties and am quite jealous of anyone that’s attending it in person. Kmart is having a special campaign now for WWE fans that involves exclusive merchandise and the chance to win 4 passes to WrestleMania on April 7. Continue reading Win a #WWEKmart prize package 4 tickets to WrestleMania on April 7 #Ad

Marvel is giving away 700 free digital comics

Alternate headline:  Dad blogger calls in sick for a couple of days.  Marvel Comics is giving away 700 digital copies of a wide variety of their comics.  That’s a lot of digital comics.  Some of them are from the new MARVEL NOW! Reboots, while some of the comics are first issues or classic stories from the 90’s or 00’s.  Continue reading Marvel is giving away 700 free digital comics

Hallmark Squawkin Egg Droppin’ Hen Review and Giveaway

The Hallmark Squawkin Egg Dropin’ Hen is one of those products that parents and children love.  Those who aren’t parents or have children may scratch their head and wonder why said product exists.  The hen, squawks out a rhyme to the tune of “Whoomp there it is”, and lays 3 eggs during her rhyme.  Continue reading Hallmark Squawkin Egg Droppin’ Hen Review and Giveaway

Oz the Great and Powerful review: perfectly entertaining

I’m not a fan of 3D movies and prequels are simply an excuse to revisit tired film franchises with new actors.  I have thought both of those things in the past and sometimes they are true.  Factor in that Oz is iconic material, you’re messing with arguable the most beloved movie of all time and any references will ruffle the feathers of people regardless of how well made the movie is.  Rest easy denizens of Oz, the new movie is at its best- truly wonderful and at its worst an OK movie with lots of fabulous effects. Continue reading Oz the Great and Powerful review: perfectly entertaining

Extreme Mammals is a great addition to Fernbank for children

We do love going to the Fernbank Museum of Natural History.  Having such a large and well planned out museum of natural history is a benefit to living in a big city. However, truth be told, we don’t get there more than a couple of times a year.  Extreme Mammals just opened at Fernbank and is a great reason to discover-or be reminded of what a great museum it is. Continue reading Extreme Mammals is a great addition to Fernbank for children

All Through My Town is the go-to children’s book in the house now

I love to read.   3YO Mojo likes to read too.   In a perfect world I’d have enough time to have a site devoted exclusively to comic and children’s books.  I state that to preface the fact that our son likes books but is picky and certainly has his favorite books.  Having said that;  All Through My Town by Jean Reidy has been his go-to book ever since he picked it up. Continue reading All Through My Town is the go-to children’s book in the house now

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