Children will love the Bigsby Interactive Story Buddy from Hallmark

As a gift the other year we gave one of the Hallmark interactive story characters to a friend’s child who had just turned 6.  The child loved the gift but I didn’t really get it.  Now that we have a child who is on the cusp of reading, I get it.  The Bigsby Interactive Story Buddy is another avenue for kids to enjoy reading and it really works.

Bigsby doll and book

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The Descender from Rockboard is an all terrain adrenaline rush

Remember the “a ha” moment in A View to a Kill when Bond took the blade from his snowmobile and turned it into a snowboard? That feeling is the same as when you step onto a Rockboard Descender.  It’s essentially a skateboard for the dirt.  The Descender from Rockboard uses treads instead of wheels that allow it to move off road with ease.  So, perhaps it’s more appropriate to call it an all terrain skateboard, with wheels like a tank that provides adrenaline and fun.

Descender from Rockboard

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The new Toys R Us ad is great, but it’s got some green folks seeing red

Have you seen the new ad from Toys R Us?   Well, firstly I should say that this is not a sponsored post and I received no cash from anyone for it.  However, being an ex PR guy, dad to 2 boys and ex social media manager for some environmental causes I have some insight into this.  It’s a hidden camera ad that has a bus full of children going to learn about trees.  Once they get on the bus the tour guide starts talking about leaves and then surprise-they go to Toys R Us where the kids run around and play with toys.

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Hanging out in the Skylanders SWAP Force video game truck

The other week we were offered the chance to host a video game that was stocked with Skylanders SWAP Force.  Skylanders SWAP Force takes some of the characters from the original game with and puts them in a new world with a new element-swapability.  Take the top half from one, switch it out with the bottom from another and you’ve got the powers of two Skylanders in one.

Skylanders SWAP Force people playing

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The NYNE NB-200 Bluetooth Speaker: easy set up, great sound

We received a NYNE NB-200 Bluetooth Speaker for review purposes.  It’s a Bluetooth speaker and the company really wants you to know that it can be mounted to your bicycle handlebars.  A Bluetooth speaker wasn’t something that was on the top of Tech Gadgets I Need list.  However, after using it for a while I’ve discovered that, the sound from my tablet’s speakers are horrible and that the NYNE is a fabulous tool to make and receive phone calls on.

NYNE Speaker box

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Free Date Night Ideas for this week in Alpharetta

Living in Alpharetta presents people with lots of things to do on date night.  We have a rule in our house that date night must occur at least once a month.  If we get lucky then date night will happen more than once and if we get super lucky then it’ll be a free date night!  This week in Alpharetta presents frugal couples with multiple options to get their date on, while saving a bit of cash. 

Welcome to Alpharetta Continue reading Free Date Night Ideas for this week in Alpharetta

Lloyd and The Bear is a perfect all ages comic book

I gave our 4 YO son an ‘all ages’ comic the other day.  While the characters were appropriate for any age, they used phrases like “shut up”, “stupid” or “idiot”.  Kudos to my wife for catching that.  What a relief Llyod and The Bear is, it truly is an all ages comic book that is funny, sharply drawn and creative- everything you’re looking for in a comic book that is OK for young children.

Llloyd and The Bear cover

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Elysium: moments of excellence, but empty at the same time

Elysium is the follow up movie by Neill Blomkamp who directed the incredible District 9.  Elysium is not a sequel to District 9, but does have some of the same themes.  The rigid class system, divide between rich and poor and spectacularly sublime special effects are all present in both films.  Elysium has high aspirations and does go higher than most sci-fi films; but doesn’t reach ‘classic’ status because of the frequent moments that it takes its foot off of the accelerator.  Continue reading Elysium: moments of excellence, but empty at the same time

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