Sticks N Stones N Dinosaur Bones: rhyming fun for dino kids

Kids love dinosaurs.  The funny thing about being a parent is that you start to love them again too.  You remember how to pronounce the names, the silent “P” in Pteranodon for example and how much they really stretch the imagination.  Sticks N Stones N Dinosaur Bones is a slightly historical take on the Bone Wars in the 1870’s.  It’s a fact based children’s book, with just enough whimsy and tall tails to make kids dream of dinosaurs and the men who chased their bones.

Sticks n Stones n Dinosaur Bones

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Dad spends a night in the mancave, Ninja II: Shadow of a Tear review

Nothing says mancave happiness like a good ninja movie.  Ninja II: Shadow of a Tear is a ninja movie with an old school heart and in some cases that’s not a good thing.  However, this is a ninja movie and people who will watch this grade ninjas on a curve, lest they come through the screen and kick our butt. I was joking with my wife that I was going to watch Ninja II:  Electric Boogalooo.**  Thankfully Shadow of a Tear wasn’t like that, but it wasn’t a ninja classic either.

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Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Kids Edition review: great tablet for safety and learning

Our four-year old boy loves the family tablet.   It was a handy potty training device and quite useful when on road trips. However recently it has become an issue because of one word: YouTube.  One day he discovered an ‘R’ rated, unauthorized version of a cartoon that he loves.  We were in the same room and turned it off immediately; but it was apparent that the learning aspect of tablets comes with a side that we don’t want him to be exposed to.  Enter the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3.  It was created by someone who needed a kid’s tablet while not worrying about the wrong kind of barnyard video spoiling the fun.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 3

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Flying Attack review

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will be very big in 2014. In addition to the cartoon on television the rebooted movie comes out and you’ll be hard pressed to not see a ninja turtle on a 7 year old boy.  You’ll also see a flurry of games including the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Flying Attack! that we were sent for review purposes.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Flying Attack!

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A visit to Festival of the SEAson at Georgia Aquarium

On a cold, rainy Sunday we received tickets to the Festival of the SEAson at Georgia Aquarium, featuring SCUBA Claus, the FantaSEA in Lights, Mermaid Performance and Seaside St. Nick. Not that you really have to convince our children to go see animals. This, however, was different – we were combining Santa Claus and animals – not to mention that this was the first family trip out together in at least a month, since the entire family has been sick with stomach flu, foot & mouth or colds since mid-November. To put it simply: excitement was off the charts.

SCUBA Claus at Georgia Aquarium

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Man of Tai Chi: better than average martial arts with great fight scenes

Man of Tai Chi is the story of a tai chi student who is fighting in a tournament in China.  The tai chi student is played by Tiger Chen who has been doing stunts in many high profile martial arts movies since Crouching Tiger.  His character in the movie is also called Tiger, but anyone who has ever seen a Jackie Chan movie can forgive that bit of name play.  The story in Man of Tai Chi is straight forward stuff, but the fight scenes are really good and the movie is better than you would expect.

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Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer shines at Center for Puppetry Arts

As if we need another excuse to go to Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta, my oldest son and I went to see the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.   It is so much fun to do mother-son dates now that he is 4 and can sit through short presentations.

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer at Center for Puppetry Arts.

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Danger in the Manger disappoints all, even the diehard Whovians

Danger in the Manger is the sequel to Nativity!.   I never saw Nativity!, but it must have been good enough to merit a sequel, right?  They would never make a sequel to a Christmas movie just because it’s a seasonal movie, would they?  This is the story of a Christmas song competition, a class of regular students with a jokey teacher that gets into the finals, the pretentious yet well meaning class of talented singers and a class representing the ones that win every year.  Think of it as Christmas themed episode of Glee with elements of The Bad News Bears tossed in for comedic effect.

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