Did you hear that Target is going to gender-neutralize most of their children’s areas? I mention this because that’s cool. A building set is a building set and doesn’t need to be a boy’s or girl’s thing, they’ll figure it out which one they like to build on. Most of the all age comic books are like that too. Sure there are exceptions, but by and large the new comic books this week for kids can be enjoyed by boys or girls.
Mickey Mouse, Scooby Doo Where Are You?, Sonic the Hedgehog, Spongebob Comics and Uncle Scrooge are all out this week. Sonic and Spongebob are much better than you might think. If you’re new to all age comics give them a look because odds are that your child is already very familiar with the characters and will really love it. Home also comes out this week. It’s based on the movie of the same name, but because it doesn’t have the voice over talent or predictable plot it’s worth a look in comic book form.
Ghostbusters Get Real #3 is also great. It has the spirit of the classic movie with updated elements to relate to today’s kids.
There are two Archie compilations released. This is not the update that they did to modernize the characters. These are the more rounded, comic looking characters that you’re used to. TMNT has two books out, and while the stories there are OK for all ages, boys will be more attracted to the mutant turtles than girls. It’s the opposite for My Little Pony, more girls will be attracted to that title, but our son loves to read it also.
10 years of Mouse Guard? Yes. Mad Magazine? For those 9 or older, yes. There are lots of other options, just dig through the list to see what suits you. The links will take you to TFAW, where you’ll save at least 10% on each order. If you want to find your local comic book store you can do that too.