I’m OK with being called Mr. Mom- depending on who you are

Hi, my name is Trey and I’m a stay at home dad.  During the day I care for an 18 month old and 3.5 year old.  I get called Mr. Mom a couple of times a week and for the most part it doesn’t bother me.  “Oh are doing the Mr. Mom today”, the cashier will innocently say.  I’ll politely say, no, I do this full time, they’ll feel stupid and we’ll leave. Continue reading I’m OK with being called Mr. Mom- depending on who you are

4 disgusting things I do because I’m a Dad

Stay at home dads are just like stay at home moms for the most part.   Granted our child running  into my groin* would hurt much worse than him doing the same thing to his mom, but parenting wise, we’re all on the same field.  A nice post last week highlighted 5 disgusting things that moms do.  Any parent can identify with them, but I wanted to add perspective from this side of the chromosome.  Continue reading 4 disgusting things I do because I’m a Dad

Naptime DIY: What is that stain on my ceiling?

A stain on the ceiling means water leaked down or a soda bottle exploded up.  While neither one is pleasant, the water stain leaking down is much more problematic.  Sometimes though, all is not as it appears in home improvement.  Recently we had a water stain that would’ve taken 10 minutes to fix, had I listened to my inner voice or read this post. Continue reading Naptime DIY: What is that stain on my ceiling?

Naptime DIY: How to install a thermostat

A couple of years ago I paid $160 for an HVAC person to come in and replace an aging thermostat.  Fast forward to current times and our upstairs unit was turning on and off without rhyme or reason.  Because the repair person told me then that they both should be replaced I knew what to do.     Having seen it done then I knew that it was a project that you can easily do in 15 minutes. Continue reading Naptime DIY: How to install a thermostat

Naptime DIY: How to get rid of fruit flies

It is early fall and there’s a swarm of small, peppery specks flying around our kitchen.  They’re fruit flies are they are making their new abode at chez Mojo more comfortable. My first thought of fruit flies went to the outbreak in 1989 (and others); but after a little research I realized that the ones in my kitchen were a bit different from those pesky creatures. Continue reading Naptime DIY: How to get rid of fruit flies

Don’t judge a beef jerky eating, Harley rider by his cover

I’ve always wanted a pipe wrench.   The name sounds tough, combining two rugged words that make one super jagged word that actually serves a purpose and is made of steel?  That is bordering on testosterone overload.   I have a pair of Channel Lock pliers.  They do roughly the same thing as a pipe wrench.  But if a pipe wrench is Chuck Norris, a pair of Channel Lock pliers is John Stamos. Continue reading Don’t judge a beef jerky eating, Harley rider by his cover

Sears Gifts for Guys: Twitter Party, Fri. 10/26, 1:00- $800 in prizes

Guys can be a hard group to purchase gifts for, I should know, I’m a guy.  Until recently my default answers for “What should I get you for…” was socks and underwear-true story.  One holiday my wife said, I’m not getting you socks or underwear, just tell me something that you want or need.  It was then that I got much better about the communication of gifting.  A side benefit of said conversation is that I now get much better gifts, but I have to buy my own socks and underwear. Continue reading Sears Gifts for Guys: Twitter Party, Fri. 10/26, 1:00- $800 in prizes

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