Growing up Rudy the Rabbit, win a 55′ LG TV and the #BigGameChallenge

In summer after the sixth grade I was still looking for a sport to play.  One day while playing neighborhood football I caught a kick off and ran for a touchdown.  This was now my game.  I lifted hard that summer, drank raw eggs and exercised lots but didn’t play football oddly enough.   Late that summer I played football again.  I caught the ball, ran and got hit-hit hard.  It may not have been a hard hit, but it was enough for me to realize that I didn’t like getting hit and needed to find another sport.  Thankfully at that time a young upstart comedian was in a movie called Meatballs that would show me the sport that would define my teen years.

A young Daddy Mojo running like Rudy the Rabbit

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Instructions Not Included review: A mish mash that works in spite of itself

Instructions Not Included is a Spanish film that was originally released under the title No se aceptan devoluciones.  It’s an updated version of Kramer vs. Kramer, but played for laughs and with one of the main characters having a terminal illness.  What is surprising is that, even with this plot, Instructions Not Included works out to be an entertaining, at times laugh out loud movie.

Instructions Not Included

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Bon Jovi will be my son’s Led Zeppelin

I grew up in the 70’s.  I’ll save the What’s Happening jokes and Evel Knievel references for another post and keep this solely about the mystery and romance of radio.   During that time radio and basement listening, just like in That’ 70’s Show was the only way to get music.  Music didn’t get any better for the rock set than Led Zeppelin.  The other day I was driving, rocking out with the kids when I realized that Bon Jovi will be my son’s Led Zeppelin.

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MicroTouch ONE razor is an school shave in many ways, most of them not good

As a bald man I shave a lot.  I shave my head, I shave my face and we’ve got a body shaver for those times when I hit the beach and don’t want to be mistaken by a hunter during bear season. I’ve never had a Duck Dynasty or ZZ Top style beard, but I bet it’s one I could do with ease.  The MicroTouch ONE is the modern version of the classic safety razor.    For my shave it’s a step up from waxing but not quite as good as how we’re doing it now.

MicroTouch ONE Razor

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Pity the lawyers that don’t earn enough for a house husband

Time magazine had an article recently on super achieving moms on Wall Street and their stay-at-home husbands.  The same author did a follow up piece on her blog that broke it down even further about being a house husband to a power mom on Wall Street.    Her conclusion and the comments  on the Time website offer insight into both sides.  They also provide a compelling argument for tort reform and a good excuse to lovingly smack any lawyer who thinks that they don’t earn enough money.

1024px-Honoré_Daumier_018 lawyers

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The new Lego spot is the best dad ad in a long time

Some ads take a moment to grab you, especially if your main character is a dad.  The dad ad two years ago from Tide, where he’s talking about braiding hair and doing home stuff was awesome.  More often than not the dads in advertisements are lame, stupid, overly machismo or just don’t resonate with me.  Game on for the new Lego ad that features a dad building stuff with his child.  It’s awesome, brings back great memories and might just make you tear up.

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Is it wrong that I’m glad our oldest son likes blue and not pink?

The other day we were shopping and I asked our 4 year old what bubble bath he wanted.  I showed him two bottles.  “The pink one is for girls”, he said.  I agreed with him, but didn’t say anything because pink is for girls, as we walked towards the feminine product to purchase tampons for my wife. Continue reading Is it wrong that I’m glad our oldest son likes blue and not pink?

Lad’s nads and women with smaller breasts are better mothers

A study came out this past week with the dubious conclusion that men who have smaller testicles are better fathers.   Those findings certainly make for lots of clever headlines and puns involving balls, nads, lads, dads, festival, technical, ethical and the upcoming election.  However, when you dig into the study it leaves room for many questions.  This caused me to make up a study that came to the conclusion that women with smaller breasts are better mothers.* Continue reading Lad’s nads and women with smaller breasts are better mothers

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