The Phillips Norelco Shaver 9000 cuts close, quick and charges fast

I shave my head. It’s relevant to state that because it makes me shave my face more than I would like. For a while I tried shaving the head and letting the facial hair grow out. However, that look was not for me and it didn’t last long. We were offered the chance to review the Philips Norelco Shaver 9000. Normally we use an electric razor, except for those special occasions and were eager to try a new, cutting edge razor.

The Phillips Norelco Shaver 9000 cuts close, quick and charges fast

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To old friends who are dads of all ages

I found out that a friend of mine from college was in town and I messaged him immediately to if he’d have time to get together.  He said that he’d be in town for three days and would have some free time at the end of his conference.  It was great seeing him again because it brought back some great memories and encouraged me about today’s young people.

To old friends who are dads of all ages

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My feet, #PoweredByRockport and comfortable #Giveaway

As a stay at home dad to two increasingly active boys I know the schedule.  The exact times may vary, but they will always consist of:  go somewhere, buy something, build something, knock something down, run and run some more until we go to sleep. I’ll be at the helm for these fun times and my go-to shoes for general wear are Rockport.  We’re giving away two pairs of the awesome Walk360 Toe Guard shoes.

My feet, #PoweredByRockport, comfy all the time #Giveaway

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Leonard Nimoy, Oren Miller and the ties that bind

On September 11,  2003 John Ritter died.  On September 12, 2003 Johnny Cash died.   I enjoyed both of their works, Ritter for Three’s Company and Cash for his countless songs that I enjoyed.  It’s rare when two famous people that I admire or liked their work pass away with such sequence to each other.  It happened again recently when Leonard Nimoy and Oren Miller died.

Oren Miller, A Blogger and a Father

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Our #LeeGoodDeed challenge with Lee Jeans was win/win

I partnered and was compensated by Life of Dad, LLC and Lee for this.  All thoughts are our own and we do love wearing pants. As part of our #LeeGoodDeed challenge we were offered 4 options by Lee Jeans.  Because of the hectic nature of the week and the ages of our children the one that made the most sense was to take a friend’s children for the day.  That brought our net total of children to four and thanks to my wife and serendipitous timing of multiple community events our day was packed.

Lee Jeans and dad out with the kids

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Don’t be a luffa, #RealMenScrub with frank and it’s great

I partnered with Life of Dad and frank body for this promotion. Note:  A luffa is a scrubber that is used in the shower.  Aloof is an adjective used to describe someone who appears disoriented or uncaring.  For example, ‘that guy sure is aloof about his hygiene, he smells like a billy goat and his temperament is questionable too’, but enough about some of the other dad bloggers involved in this.  The first time I tried frank Body Scrub I immediately saw a difference and had unexpected results from people around me.



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Old Spice giveaway and Dadsong, #SmellcomeToManhood

This post and giveaway were made possible by Double Duty Divas and Old Spice. I was compensated for my participation in this campaign, but all opinions are 100% mine.

Dadsong sounds like some lame song that you’d hear on an old movie from school.  Wait, maybe that’s Ryan’s Song, either way I can’t believe old yeller was a sled.  Dadsong is the new campaign from Old Spice, it’s the sequel to Mom Song from last year.  That was the hilarious spot with just a little bit of Adventure Time surrealist mixed in.  As a dad to two boys I’m not too attached to their youth now, but I can certainly see aspects of Dadsong in my future.

Old Spice Holiday Smellcome to Manhood Kit

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Here’s to the #HealthyDad and those doing something about it #AD

Thanks to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia who sponsored the campaign and including dads in this important discussion about family health care. My views are based solely on my experience as a parent and patient-not as a medical professional. I am a mesomorph, therefore I am.  Nutrition and diet may not be an interesting read to a 15 year old, but put the emerging star Arnold Schwarzenegger as the author and I was hooked.

Continue reading Here’s to the #HealthyDad and those doing something about it #AD

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