Fathers, buy your diaper bags carefully

When we were looking for a diaper bag my wife insisted that it be something that I’m comfortable with carrying, both in appearance and feel.  As usual, my wife was correct and also had a bit of foresight by knowing that I tend not to use things that I don’t like. 

It’s not something I’d admit to in mixed company, but one of the unforeseen advantages of having a baby is being able to carry around the diaper bag.  Continue reading Fathers, buy your diaper bags carefully

Odd jobs, balloons and Dan Rather

Babies love balloons.  Whenever we go to a store that sells balloons it’s always a welcome distraction to point to them, learn colors and attempt to quiet the gathering sonic storm from Baby Mojo.  Being responsible parents we knew that having  a balloon or two at his first birthday party would be a good thing.   

Mom and I had planned a Dr. Suess themed party.  We had a big red blanket and I was in charge of getting some nice red balloons.  While I was at the store, looking at the packs of balloons with Baby Mojo I had some great memories of where I’ve been and what I’ve done.  Being an ex radio guy one would expect that I had a story or memory about a retro German 80s song; however, for a brief period of time I also did singing telegrams. Continue reading Odd jobs, balloons and Dan Rather

Baby basics: Changing the diaper

Before being a dad I didn’t know too much about changing a diaper. In the parenting class at the hospital they ran through it a couple times, but it’s all a blur now. As with things to come regarding parenting, I look at Baby Mojo now and I wonder how that 8 pound little dude became this 26 pound of crawling, eating, curious toddler we have now. Continue reading Baby basics: Changing the diaper

Tips for toddlers and new parents

Prior to being a dad I had heard all the clichés, they grow up quickly and time flies by.   Never being one to adhere to what people say, I knew that my time as a dad would be different.  However, 11 months in, all of those overused clichés are true, so very true. 

We did prep ourselves, just in case they turned out to be correct and that preparation wasn’t enough.  If you’re a new parent, you’ve purchased the books and talked to friends here are four tips to reinforce what you’ve been told. Continue reading Tips for toddlers and new parents

Five movies that estrogen love and dads can enjoy

Marriage can be called the grand compromise. When men enter this partnership and become a husband or maybe even a father, they have certain things that they’ll need to hunker down and take. As a new husband I learned quickly that the cinematic tastes of the fairer sex were one of those things. When I became a father, my capacity to appreciate some of her favorite movies increased, as long as I was sitting down and didn’t have a writhing, screaming toddler near me. Continue reading Five movies that estrogen love and dads can enjoy

Dad runs an errand to the home improvement store

Since becoming a father one of the biggest changes have been the running of errands.  All of them are consolidated and planned out like a-connect-the-dots course designed to get Baby Mojo home before feeding or nap. 

The errand that has taken the biggest hit is the trip to the home improvement store.  Now when we visit I don’t even get to use that large push cart.  Baby Mojo sits in the normal shopping cart and waves to everybody in the store, a ten month old he just loves to wave.  Initially it felt odd pushing a shopping cart, what with its’ confined ‘cart’; instead of the flat one that can hold anything in the store and was in itself a work out to move. 

Prior to having a child I’d visit once a week, even if I didn’t need anything.  Anything and need is all relative, I mean you can always use cleaning solvents and dirt.  Continue reading Dad runs an errand to the home improvement store

Sleeping with Pat Benatar: Bald men have it easy

Recently my wife came home after getting a hair cut (female speak:  went to the stylist) and was more than a little bit bummed.  To me, her haircut looked fine, a bit shorter than it usually was, but it still looked great.  Husbands:  the preceding response is always your go to, even if it’s not true and in my case it was definitely true

I started shaving my head thirteen years ago but realistically I should’ve started four years before that.   During high school I told everybody that I “just had a high hairline, like Arnold Schwarzenegger”.  Continue reading Sleeping with Pat Benatar: Bald men have it easy

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