A Dad gets Mommyitis

The other week my wife went to the chiropractor and was told that she has a case of “mommyitis”.  A quick search of our friend the internet will tell you that it’s defined as having a child with separation anxiety.  Alas, our doctor must not have gotten that memo because their definition was a pain in the elbow or triceps, caused by picking up a baby.

The doctor told my wife to stretch her arm, which she promptly told me to do to her.  I gladly agreed because I knew that my larger and stronger man arms could lift our child without any worries.  One week after her stretching routine my right tricep starts to burn.  Then the next week my left tricep starts to ache, burn and feel like I had gone through a brutal workout. Continue reading A Dad gets Mommyitis

A Dad and his gift card stand united for Mom

Gift cards were probably invented by a man.  This man may or may not have been a dad, but it wouldn’t surprise me if that were the case.  This dad had probably purchased, once too often a blouse, skirt or moo moo that were not the color or style that his spouse wanted.

Then again, it’s possible that a woman invented the gift card.  This woman; was probably a wife, whose knucklehead husband once bought her a moo moo. Continue reading A Dad and his gift card stand united for Mom

Christmas music guys can listen to without feeling feminine

I love Christmas.  I also like some Christmas music.  However, much of the Christmas music you hear is quite girly and doesn’t really appeal to manly sensibilities.  Testosterone filled guys will shudder at Santa Baby or a very Wilson Phillips Christmas.

Thankfully, there are a couple exceptions to this seemingly unwritten rule.  The Unwritten Rule:  Any pop star, regardless of how popular or talented shall produce at least one Christmas song. Continue reading Christmas music guys can listen to without feeling feminine

Tools that every dad needs

I love tools. It is my belief that every guy, especially every dad loves tools. We purchase tools that we really don’t need, I’m guilty of that. If you can use it once, in a justifiable manner, then it’s OK to buy. Really, it’s in the man bible, check out the audio version that Mike Rowe did, he gave us permission. Continue reading Tools that every dad needs

DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do: A new disposal

Certain sounds make the heart of men go down to their stomach.  As a father, the ‘grind’ that your disposal makes when a foreign object is in there can present a fork in the road.

We heard that sound recently in the Mojo house.  It was a tiny baby spoon that fell and was shredded into a thousand metallic pieces, we thought.  After the first metal on metal sound, I stopped the disposal, realized that it was too far gone and made the disposal work for it’s money.  Either grind it or die disposal, cause it’s all or nothing in this house. Continue reading DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do: A new disposal

Songs in the hourglass: The Girl from Ipanema

As a father I wonder what kind of music Baby Mojo will like.   I hate to sound like an old man who says ‘back in my day…’; but if my son likes any music that requires the use of an autotuner, has to bleep out  words or the artist has more tattoos than hands then he’ll find that MP3 player meeting the business end of a hammer.  Continue reading Songs in the hourglass: The Girl from Ipanema

DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do: A new Thermostat

Dads, moms and babies need to stay cool, keep warm or keep those HVAC bills under control.  A nice programmable digital controller for your HVAC system can regulate temperatures day to day, as well as, specific times.   Successfully programming your system can save you cash, which dads can then use for other important things like beer, pizza, video games or comic books.

When our HVAC system was inspected recently the technician told me that the thermostat was not working correctly.  As this was the second time I had been told this, I knew that he was telling the truth.  By nature, I don’t trust people selling me stuff, especially when its guy stuff that I feel like I should know.  Continue reading DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do: A new Thermostat

A dad and mom play “did somebody step on a duck”?

As a stay at home dad I encounter lots of funny situations with my child.  Toilet jokes are the low hanging fruit in the blog world.  I made a pact with myself to avoid stories about the toilet, a moratorium if you will, for as long as possible.  I’m sure that when Baby Mojo gets to the potty training phase of life we’ll have more stories, some of which may actually be funny. 

 Speaking in a very technical sense, it’s not a story of the toilet, more accurately it’s a case of “did somebody step on a duck”?  Continue reading A dad and mom play “did somebody step on a duck”?

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