Growing up I was very much into the WWF. I’m old enough to grow up when it was still the WWF and not the WWE. Now I would never confuse one of the highest spectacles of sports entertainment with an animal wildlife organization. As a mature fan of the WWE I can still embrace the sport and remember the entertainers that paved the way for the young stars today. Continue reading Dad plays with WWE Defining Moments Mattel Figures-Giveaway!
Category: Dads
Dads, whether you bring home the bacon or stay at home with the rugrats this is your area.
A rough overview on recent “Dumb Dads” portrayed in media
All dads aren’t dumb. Much the same way that all women don’t drive poorly and all blondes aren’t airheads. Likewise, all Asians aren’t smart and all black people can’t play basketball.
But enough about blonde Asian women that can’t play basketball; let’s chat about why the media thinks that all dads are dumb. As a dad, I do love a good joke and have been told that I have an engaging sense of humor. Having said that, let’s take a look at some examples that make us think that broken hearted college girls are shaping some media decisions lately. Continue reading A rough overview on recent “Dumb Dads” portrayed in media
Dad spends a night in the mancave: Battle: Los Angeles
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It’s summer, 70 degrees & 40% humidity at night and your child, boss, spouse or (insert choice noun of bothering thing here) has been frustrating you all day. All you want to do is watch a quality to semi-not so bad movie to relax your over heated self. Such was the case with us recently when Battle: Los Angeles found its way to our home. Continue reading Dad spends a night in the mancave: Battle: Los Angeles
The life and times of a 21 month old toddler
As Toddler Mojo gets older and More Mojo is due to be born in a couple of months we’re trying to remember how to do everything again. Oh, Mommy Mojo and I know that we can do it; we’ve just forgotten what infants do and when they do it. I remember lots of sleeping, eating and pooping, but enough about me. Continue reading The life and times of a 21 month old toddler
Week 25-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of an eggplant!
Moms, the past week has seen some major changes going on in that pregnant body of yours. Compare a photo of yourself at the 24th week and now. See how much rounder your belly is? This time of the pregnancy is really special to those around you, so be sure to take plenty of photos. Some pregnant Moms don’t like having their photos taken, (not looking at Mommy Mojo…..) but those photos make a great time capsule for your family down the road. Continue reading Week 25-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of an eggplant!
Smelly men have no Mojo
Are you a stay at home Dad whose antiperspirant has ceased to be effective? When you change your child’s diaper do they recoil is smelly terror when your raise your arms? Are you a working Dad who goes to the office and always gets the cubicle away from other workers because the boss said ‘you work best alone’? Do you single guys visit dank, musty bars next to paper mill plants and then say to your friends, ‘love that smell, is that jasmine’? * Continue reading Smelly men have no Mojo
You do have an earpiece for that mobile phone, don’t you?
I’m busy. Oh, I could fill a blog full of the mindless gunk that fills my day up, wait, I already do that.
One day recently I dropped my phone earpiece into the can of soda that I had beside my computer. It was a bad earpiece anyway. The cushion around the earpiece had fallen off a couple of months ago and the hook that goes around my ear broke off a couple of months before that. I’m very cheap and busy.
The earpiece, although it hurt my ear and often fell out, worked until it found its untimely cola grave. The obituary would read: Here lay a cheap earpiece that was ultimately done in by a cup of Dr. Thunder. Continue reading You do have an earpiece for that mobile phone, don’t you?
My Wal-Mart greeter is a World War II hero
I know that the Fourth of July is not the same as Memorial Day. On Memorial Day every year Mommy Mojo and I watch the PBS special that has music and features some of the stories from our soldiers. Mommy Mojo is quite patriotic and over the years it’s rubbed off on me. Continue reading My Wal-Mart greeter is a World War II hero