Free Prostate Screenings this Weekend in Atlanta

After much procrastination I finally got my physical, PSA test and prostate screening done the other week.  A couple of years ago I drove north about 30 minutes to receive a free prostate screening.  It was a cold, rainy day, there was a small line and I was lazy, so I left and waited three years to get a prostate screening.   Continue reading Free Prostate Screenings this Weekend in Atlanta

DIY a stay at home dad can do: Install a flat screen TV

As Toddler Mojo got bigger and bigger, our traditional TV, the 200 pound albatross in our living room started to get in the way.  He’d unplug the TV, turn it on or off and then change the channel from 3 to 4 which meant that I had to go into the settings to get it to work again.  Continue reading DIY a stay at home dad can do: Install a flat screen TV

Dad goes to the doctor for a physical and prostate exam

The joys of Dad turning 40 years old means that he’s encouraged to go to the doctor for a physical.   Combine normal Dad stuff, plus the specter of having your prostate and/or colon poked and your man may procrastinate.  I did.  I procrastinated three years and was only spurred to go to the doctor because of the birth of More Mojo and my failed Movember experience. Continue reading Dad goes to the doctor for a physical and prostate exam

The similarities between a toddler and a computer

I love my children.  I also love to work on my computer.  As a stay at home dad who needs to work or play on the computer I experience both of these loves daily.   I’ve learned that there are a couple similarities between my computer and my children including vaporware, expansion slot and more. Continue reading The similarities between a toddler and a computer

Attack of the day-shoppers: store etiquette during busy times

I do love December.  Christmas seems to make most of the people I encounter in the stores happier and more pleasant.  This time of year also brings out lots more of these people, some of whom didn’t get the memo that they should be happier and more pleasant. Continue reading Attack of the day-shoppers: store etiquette during busy times

DIY a stay-at-home dad can do: fix outdoor lighting

When my wife and I moved into our house it came with an extensive outdoor lighting set up.  In the front yard alone there are 20 lights.  In the back yard there are about 20 more, all of the lights are metal and the entire system runs on three transformers.  We live on a normal sized lot, mind you, it’s just a very well lit lot.  Continue reading DIY a stay-at-home dad can do: fix outdoor lighting

Craftsman workwear with Teflon fabric, review & freebies!

At several points in my life a large majority of my clothing had paint, dirt, rips or scuffs on it.  My wife once said that I looked like a cat burglar because I was going to sleep in all black clothing that had paint splotches all over them.  Thankfully she didn’t call the cops on me, but she did make me get rid of most of my handyman clothing. Continue reading Craftsman workwear with Teflon fabric, review & freebies!

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