DIY a Stay at Home Dad Can Do: Kill weeds without chemicals

Last year I put three name brand weed killers against each other.  I was tired of forgetting which weed killer did a good job and ending up with half bottles of multiple different kinds.  For the record, Spectracide did the best job on the weeds for us.  However, someone commented that as a dad I should use more natural methods to control weeds. Continue reading DIY a Stay at Home Dad Can Do: Kill weeds without chemicals

Reasons why companies and brands need to respect Dads

The first annual Dad 2.0 conference is happening in Austin this week.  One topic that will certainly be discussed is dads, brands, advertising and how they can rectify reality with what really happens.  OK, in my ideal world that is how brands would start to work with dads.  In reality the conversation at Dad 2.0, relative to advertising and brands may be all about Huggies and not for the reasons they would like. Continue reading Reasons why companies and brands need to respect Dads

DIY a stay at home dad can do: Change a door knob

Changing a door knob to a bathroom should be a key element when you’re thinking about baby-proofing the house.  You know to latch the low cabinets that children can get into, but you’ve got years before the baby will be walking around the house and wait, is he opening the door while your mother is on the toilet?!? Continue reading DIY a stay at home dad can do: Change a door knob

Huggies Dad Test campaign gets it mostly right

It’s great to be recognized.   Dads are often un represented in advertising and television.  If a dad is represented all too often he’s uncaring, aloof or flat out stupid.  Real life stay at home dads are guilty of playing into this stereotype too.  Sometimes an over the top representation of a dad is funny, sometimes not so much-it depends on the products and how well the spot is done. Continue reading Huggies Dad Test campaign gets it mostly right

My wife is a better mom, but I’m a better dad

When I started being a stay at home dad the little things irritated me.  The ‘moms’ club that wouldn’t allow dads for the play dates was annoying and made getting play dates more work.   When store clerks innocently said “so you’re staying home with the kids today?” I’ve simply learned to smile politely and tell them that I do this every day.    Continue reading My wife is a better mom, but I’m a better dad

White Day is like Valentine’s Day, in a Sadie Hawkins way

When I was single I thought that Valentine’s Day for ladies not in a relationship meant that they were like a werewolf with a full moon.   “Well, if I’m not in a relationship, then I might as well talk to that cute, bald guy on the corner with 2 cats and 2 dogs”, all the single, slightly artsy ladies in Atlanta would say.  Shockingly, that never actually happened during my single years, or ever for that matter.  Continue reading White Day is like Valentine’s Day, in a Sadie Hawkins way

Naptime DIY: Garage Pegboard and Storage

At one point our garage was organized and could accommodate two cars.  Then we had one child, one car got moved outside and when that child became a toddler the garage was dangerously disorganized.  There were all sorts of tools that a curious toddler could maul, hurt or break something with-all at a level that he could easily reach.  Continue reading Naptime DIY: Garage Pegboard and Storage

The VW “Is it Fast” Commercial Gets Dads Down Pat

As a Dad I’m highly critical and a bit sensitive to the way that advertisers or entertainers portray Dads.  All too often Dads in the media are portrayed as ‘dumbass dads’ who excel at failure or are aloof and come up short at anything they do.  Tide’s stay-at-home-dad spot got it right in their recent television ad and now VW does it right too. Continue reading The VW “Is it Fast” Commercial Gets Dads Down Pat

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