Jim Carrey is Mr. Popper. He’s a successful 30 something real estate developer in NYC who has a knack for acquiring impossible deals. One aspect of his professional success and personal demeanor is driven by the fact that his father didn’t spend much time with him as a child. His father was exploring the world including the South Pole, from whence the penguins in the title come from. Continue reading Daddy Mojo at the Movies: Mr. Poppers Penguins
Category: Children
Children is the broader term for infants, toddlers and tweens. These posts are about children of all ages.
June iPad apps that will entertain toddlers
The iPad isn’t the patron saint of parenting and should not be used instead of good parenting; but it can certainly help entertain and educate children. Toddler Mojo is 20 months old now and adores his iPad time. He learns from it and has fun at the same time. Granted some of the iPad apps have more fun involved than learning; but there have to be some enhancements of his fine motor skills going on there too. Here’s a quick rundown of what Toddler Mojo is digging on the iPad this month. Continue reading June iPad apps that will entertain toddlers
What bathroom does a genderless child use?
Mommy Mojo and I will find out the gender of our second child this week. I don’t really need to find out their gender, I’m good with surprises, even really big surprises like knowing if we’re having a boy or a girl. My wife like her surprises on a smaller scale, like not knowing what’s for dinner until she gets home. Continue reading What bathroom does a genderless child use?
Daddy Mojo reviews: BubCap for your iPhone or iPad
Ask anybody with a toddler and an iPhone or iPad and you’ll get the same response-“they won’t give it back”! Our toddler is just 19 months old and loves, absolute loves our iPad. The fact that he can control, learn and play with it makes his iPad time something he looks forward to. Granted, he doesn’t know when iPad time is, as it usually occurs when he’s on the verge of a melt down or needs something to hold his attention. Continue reading Daddy Mojo reviews: BubCap for your iPhone or iPad
Daddy Mojo reviews: Green Lantern toys
As a dad and comic book guy I’m psyched to see Green Lantern in theaters. When I was a kid the thing that hooked me to Green Lantern was the fact that, despite being a super hero, he was only as super as his imagination. If GL can physically handle it and can think about it, the ring can create it, as long as he’s not defending something yellow.
Would the Green Lantern toys measure up to entertain today’s kids? We received the Green Lantern Colossal Cannon and an Abin Sur action figure and put it up against the standards of a pack of young boys. Continue reading Daddy Mojo reviews: Green Lantern toys