September iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

The weather is fabulous, but if it were up to our toddler he’d be on the iPad for hours a day. We limit his time to about 20 minutes a day on the iPad.  Usually it’s when we’re cooking, cleaning or just need a short break.  For now, open up the windows, enjoy that cool breeze and have your toddler check out these great (Free!) apps for your iPad.  Continue reading September iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do- Babyproofing the house

In a couple of weeks our second child, More Mojo will be here.  As we prepare the infant clothes and get the nursery ready we’re relieved that the house is already babyproofed.  In hindsight it was easy to babyproof; we just didn’t do some of it in a timely manner.  Parents can avoid our mistakes by taking advantage of these helpful hints. Continue reading DIY a Stay at Home Dad can do- Babyproofing the house

The life and times of a 23 month old

Our 22 month old son must have heard us talking about him.  Mom and Dad were figuring out how to socialize Toddler Mojo and he went and figured it out all by himself.   Now he approaches some kids his size, they speak their toddler slang, do the Jedi mind trick and follow each other around.      Continue reading The life and times of a 23 month old

A Dad’s primer on Pre Kindergarten

The other day I was hanging out with some other parents talking about Toddler Mojo going to pre-K.    I mentioned something casually and a friend said, “How many days is your child going to Pre K”?  Well five, of course, kids go to school five days a week everybody knows that.  It was then that I realized I needed to get up to speed ASAP on pre- K. Continue reading A Dad’s primer on Pre Kindergarten

The life and times of a 21 month old toddler

As Toddler Mojo gets older and More Mojo is due to be born in a couple of months we’re trying to remember how to do everything again. Oh, Mommy Mojo and I know that we can do it; we’ve just forgotten what infants do and when they do it. I remember lots of sleeping, eating and pooping, but enough about me. Continue reading The life and times of a 21 month old toddler

Week 25-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of an eggplant!

Moms, the past week has seen some major changes going on in that pregnant body of yours.  Compare a photo of yourself at the 24th week and now.  See how much rounder your belly is?  This time of the pregnancy is really special to those around you, so be sure to take plenty of photos.  Some pregnant Moms don’t like having their photos taken, (not looking at Mommy Mojo…..) but those photos make a great time capsule for your family down the road. Continue reading Week 25-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of an eggplant!

Week 23-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of a papaya!

We know, it seems like this was the title to last week’s pregnancy update.  Oh, the difference a week can make because last week was number 22 and this is the 23rd week of your pregnancy.  Your baby however, is still the size of a papaya.  There have been some mighty changes going on in your body, but you’re past the halfway point. Continue reading Week 23-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of a papaya!

Toddler Mojo eats: So Easy Toddler Food, review and giveaway!

Unfortunately, peanut butter and jelly only goes so far.  Eventually the toddler tires of PBnJ and will yearn for something new.  However, the food can’t be too new or scary, because then the toddler will just sit in the chair and yell “COOKIE”! Continue reading Toddler Mojo eats: So Easy Toddler Food, review and giveaway!

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