September apps that will entertain Toddlers

We’re potty training Toddler Mojo now and that means spending lots of time on the toilet.  One method we’re using to help motivate him to stay longer on the toilet is to let him use the iPad when he’s there.  He calls the iPad his ‘Mickey Puter’, because his go-to app used to be Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Last week he saw my Kindle Fire and said, “Daddy’s Mickey Puter”. Continue reading September apps that will entertain Toddlers

NextStep IP Baby Monitor: Review and Giveaway

At one of our baby showers a couple of years ago we were given a baby monitor.  It consisted of a base unit that may or may not transmit the sound coming from your baby’s room.   I used the phrase, may or may not, because it never worked for us.  After a while we unplugged it and left in the corner of a room where it still lays today.  It’s like the Island of Lost Toys for baby products that don’t work. Continue reading NextStep IP Baby Monitor: Review and Giveaway

Music to motivate parents while potty training a toddler

Potty training a toddler is a mind numbing experiment tainted with wet pants and a strong, pungent odor.  It’s one of the necessary evils of parenting, potty training must be done.  If you and your spouse are just starting the potty training talk, here is an alternate way to sell them on the benefits of potty training your child. Continue reading Music to motivate parents while potty training a toddler

Power Rangers Super Samurai: Black Box & Showdown review

Our kids are too young to enjoy the Power Rangers. At almost 3 and 1 they’re much simpler, so to properly review these DVDs I called in a diverse group of kids who ranged from 5-11. I watched the videos also, but I sense that the Power Rangers are vying for my wallet and not my critical opinion. Continue reading Power Rangers Super Samurai: Black Box & Showdown review

Marlow and the Monster by Sharon Cramer-Book Review

I still remember the area in my closet where my monster lived.  I don’t remember what they looked like, only that the closet was always open just a little …where they could come out.  Of course they never did and the monster wasn’t real.  If Drop Dead Fred or Ted taught me anything it’s that imaginary friends aren’t here to scare us. Continue reading Marlow and the Monster by Sharon Cramer-Book Review

The Odd Life of Timothy Green delivers family entertainment

Rare are PG movies.  Even more uncommon are PG movies that are entertaining for the entire family.  In the wrong hands The Odd Life of Timothy Green could’ve been a disaster.  Thankfully the strong script, solid acting and just enough magic combine to make a wonderful family film that covers all the bases without stopping too long on any one of them. Continue reading The Odd Life of Timothy Green delivers family entertainment

What Christmas toys will toddlers play with after July?

Toddlers love to play.  They can play with an empty box and a pile of Styrofoam peanuts.  When parents purchase toys for toddlers they should be durable, interesting and something that will be played with for as long as possible. To that end we looked at the Christmas toys we got Toddler Mojo for Christmas 2011. Continue reading What Christmas toys will toddlers play with after July?

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