Bad Kitty Does Not Like Thanksgiving, but kids 3 and up will

Our eight year-old is in a Bad Kitty state of mind. He’s a reluctant reader who reads a couple levels below where he should. Bad Kitty is one of two things that I can count on him to read right now. Bad Kitty Does Not Like Thanksgiving has the character that he loves with its telltale grumpiness. If he were two years younger this would be the pumpkin butter jam to his turkey.

Bad Kitty goes Thanksgiving and is not too thankful

Life, The First Four Billion Years, lives and breathes

It takes a certain degree of gravitas and chutzpa to title a book Life, The First Four Billion Years and only have the book be 80 pages. A title like that implies that the book would be encyclopedia-esque, covering many volumes. This book doubles down on its confidence and is an oversized book that’s worthy of being on your coffee table, if you have one. Thankfully, Life delivers in its content and illustrations in a way that we’ve seen very few books accomplish. It covers incredibly complex material in a way that can be understood by those students in upper elementary who are interested in life.

If you’re looking for a book to pump up and encourage grades 5 and up about evolution, this is it

Ghostbusters Race Against Slime, beautiful, interactive, board book fan fun

Our kids are 10 and 8; they’ve both seen Ghostbusters and know the theme song. They saw the movie with us twice. I know, there have technically been three films thus far, but here, when we say Ghostbusters, we’re just talking about the first film. How our kids know the theme song, aside from its catchy earworm of a question that begs you to yell “Ghostbusters” when you hear Ray Parker Jr. ask the question is beyond me. Ghostbusters: Race Against Slime is an interactive board book that is aimed at fans of the film aged 5 and up, or those same ages who like movement and fun.  

Continue reading Ghostbusters Race Against Slime, beautiful, interactive, board book fan fun

Roly Poly is felt-made book goodness for kids expecting a sibling

Having to share your stuff when you’re a kid is challenging, especially when, heretofore, it’s just been you. Those older kids and their parents know what I’m talking about. The younger one is just here for the party, but they need to realize that party has been happening prior to their arrival. Roly Poly is by Mem Fox with art by Jane Dyer that illustrates the feelings, actions and family dynamics that happen when a new baby is brought into the fold.

Polar bear felt sibling magic

Mighty Jack and Zita the Spacegirl, everything you wanted it to be

The pregnant pause that older readers hear that two excellent, thought out characters will be in the same book can be painful. On one hand you want to see them in the same book, but you also hold your breath, in hope that the author is skilled enough to accomplish what fans want from the series. Mighty Jack and Zita the Spacegirl gave me a huge grin and hope for the team up when I heard that the third book in Jack’s series would be the team-up. If you know this series of graphic novels from Ben Hatke, the news probably did the same for you. Rest easy and read on, Mighty Jack and Zita the Spacegirl is everything you’d hoped it be and more monsters.

This is a great ending, jumping on point or continuation for readers of this awesome series for ages 8 and up

Nancy’s Genius Plan, clever premise, wrong format

Nancy who? Nancy Drew? Is this shorthand for Fancy Nancy? Nancy’s Genius Plan is a new board book staring Nancy. She’s the distinctively drawn character with the brillo-esque hair, polka dot skirt and sly grin. Her best friend is Sluggo, a buzz cut boy who could easily be confused for a know-nothing hooligan. Nancy was introduced in the 1930’s and had an almost constant presence in the now metaphorical comic strip page since then.  In 2018 Nancy did take a two-month break for a slight modernization. The comic strip is funny, filled with dry observations and humor that appeals to kids and adults. Nancy’s Genius Plan has the same DNA, but it doesn’t take off in the board book.

It’s a board book, but too advanced or dated for intended audiences

Sulwe, a story on darkness and light that teaches all

Sulwe is a children’s illustrated book about color. It’s color from the perspective of darkness and a young girl named Sulwe that looks nothing like her family. She’s the color of midnight, while her mother, father and sister all have lighter hues. Sulwe’s skin tone is affecting her personality, ability to make friends and her morale. How she deals with this and overcomes it will resonate with any pre-k through mid-elementary school student.

Sulwe is an illustrated book that’s about acceptance, exclusion, prejudice, hope and love. Kids 4 and up will love the art and embrace the message.
Sulwe and its reach goes past where you think it would, 4 and up will love it and the art

Paint By Sticker Kids Christmas, a go-to activity for ages 5-10

Paint By Sticker Kids Christmas is the latest in the best selling activity series that’s been entertaining our kids for years. The concept behind these books is very simple. There’s a sheet that has a couple dozen stickers on it. Beneath each sticker is a number that corresponds to a number that’s within a blank space in the final image. Young mosaic artists will put the stickers in the picture one at a time until the final image is revealed.

Paint By Sticker Kids Christmas is the perfect activity for kids 5-10: help is not required, they have fun, it’s screen-free and allows them (and you) to relax.
This is the rare kid’s craft book that they can do 100% by themselves
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