Stella Diaz Never Gives Up, relatable, can-do fun for ages 9-13

Stella Diaz Never Gives Up is the second book in the series by Angela Dominguez. Stella Diaz Has Something to Say and if it’s anything like this one then it’s the type of book series that gravitates to upper elementary through middle school kids like rain to a just-washed car. In reality, this is a book that will attract more girls than boy readers, but those lads that give the book a chance will find it a fun read.

Message reading, without the guilt that’s great for ages 9 and up

Go Get ‘Em Tiger!, as bright and happy as the day is long

Sometimes a child being loud is pleasing and other times that same sound is ear splitting pain akin to physically walking barefoot on LEGO bricks. Go Get ‘Em Tiger! is the sort of children’s book that you knew existed in children’s minds. When you actually see the day-glow colors that are combined with every other hue under the rainbow it’s a bit jarring. It’s visual coffee, and when you add in the go-get-em, can-do attitude that radiates through its pages; it could become something more than a children’s book.

Go Get ‘Em Tiger! is the bright, happy equivalent of literary caffeine for children’s illustrated books, but also great for anyone who needs an atta-boy or att-girl.
Wakey, wakey, bright colors for young (or older) readers

Thieves of Weirdwood is middle grade fiction at its best

Somewhere between a Rorschach test and a literary M.C. Escher lays Thieves of Weirdwood. The back cover of the book says to beware your imagination. That’s a very apt thing to keep a hold of, or alternately, let go and completely surrender to this incredibly engaging and creative book. Thieves of Weirdwood works on so many level that it plays out like a movie inside your head as you’re reading it. While I was reading the book I simultaneously wanted to read the book quickly so I could find out what happens; but I also wanted to take my time so that the book would last longer.  

Middle grade readers: this is your next favorite book series

Haunted Japan, accessible, bite-sized yokai and dread

Ah, ghost watch, I get it now. Sadly, that’s one of the first things I thought about when I started reading Haunted Japan:  Exploring the World of Japanese Yokai, Ghosts and the Paranormal. I love Japan and I love reading about ghosts. Personally, I lived in Japan for two years and it’s one of the friendliest, cleanest places you’ll ever visit. It’s also very weird. Even the foreword of the books lets readers know that this is a strange place. Haunted Japan was originally released 25 years ago, but author Catrien Ross has updated some of the stories and included more modern tales. 

Haunted Japan by Catrien Ross works as a re-telling of ancient ghosts, modern hauntings the paranormal and travelogue.
Haunted Japan is a serious and educational look at nippon yokai

Indestructibles by Workman Publishing takes board books to the next level

To parents who read to newborns and toddlers board books can be their go-to solace. However, all board books are not created equal. They might have spines that are thinner than others or content that just doesn’t appeal to the audience. Granted, the later is a preference thing, however, given that you’re reading to infants or babies who are between birth and two they probably won’t be too picky. To that end, Workman Publishing has a series of books on their Indestructibles line that truly live up to their name.  

Indestructibles is a book imprint from Workman Publishing whose books are durable, rip-proof, colorful and perfect for newborns through two.
weak baby books these are not

The Derby Daredevils, delivers for some girls aged 9-13

The Derby Daredevils is an ongoing series of books by Kit Rosewater with illustrations by Sophie Escabasse. There is a lot to like about the first book in the series that focus on Kenzie and Shelly. They’re two best friends who love to skate, have dreams, secret handshakes and all of the things that close friends have. Girls in upper elementary through middle school will find something to relate to and enjoy about this comfort read. The subtitle to the first entry is Kenzie Kickstarts a Team and given that Kenzie is one of our two main characters she’s out to start something bit.

Built for middle school girls in a roller derby and growing up mindset

Science Comics: Crows, Genius Birds is much more than a flight of fancy

True story: when I was a child I had a pet crow. Its name was Big Bird. I was about nine or ten and my parents wouldn’t let me have a cat or a dog, so they got me a crow. I don’t know where they got a crow from, it’s not like there’s a crow store down the street. But for a very short period of time, it was my pet. Crows do not make good pets. Before Science Comics Crows: Genius Birds came out I would’ve bet that one couldn’t make an entertaining, much less educational book about crows. To that, author/illustrator Kyla Vanderklugt says hold my magpie and has delivered a corvid graphic novel that’s really something to crow about.  

non-fiction for ages 9 and up doesn’t get much better than this

Solar Story a book that straddles entertainment/education for kids 4 and up

Author/illustrator Allan Drummond has a way with children’s books. They’re geared for those young children aged 4-8, but they aren’t babyish. Our 10-year old reader was looking over my shoulder as I was reading Solar Story. He said, “I like the art-and it’s a book about solar power, cool”. As he left the room he commented that he should read that sometime. His eight-year old brother squealed when Solar Story arrived in the mail. Mind you, he wasn’t expecting the book; it’s just that the book has that vibe that makes children want to open and read it.  

This book has something for everyone aged four and up
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