Diary of a 5th Grade Outlaw: The Friend Thief nails number 2

Epic! Originals is a book imprint line within Andrews McMeel Publishing. This imprint of books is worth mentioning because it nails to the floor how elementary aged kids think. Some of their books skew younger than Diary of a 5th Grade Outlaw. This series of books by Gina Loveless with illustrations by Andrea Bell has its second release, The Friend Thief out now and pull a bit of an Empire Strikes Back on its readers.

elementary readers who want to level up will love this series

The Boreal Forest is a perfect mid-grade biome book

In theory, I know where the Boreal Forest is. For us it’s similar to The Isle of Man; both of which are such perfectly named places that they’d only exist in some middle earth novel or on the outskirts of my geography knowledge. In this case, The Boreal Forest, A Year in the World’s Largest Land Biome is a children’s illustrated book that effortlessly blends art and entertainment into a book that nature kids will relish and casual kidlit readers will enjoy.  

The illustrated book as educational tool is a great thing

The Queen Bee and Me happily flies to its own beat

What’s the only currency that’s priceless one year and worthless the next? If you guessed the Venezuelan Bolivar you’re wrong. It’s popularity. To some teens popularity is the only thing that matters one year, until they get to the next year and realize that it’s all a John Hughes movie. The Queen Bee and Me by Gillian McDunn is a book that upper elementary through lower high school readers will take to like a Carpenter bee to the wood on my back porch.

Great, mGLIT on friendship, yourself and bees

The Amelia Six is sequel-worthy realistic fiction mystery for 9 and up

Sleepers, they’re not just for movies that fly under the radar. It’s summertime and just like the sleeper film that critics hadn’t heard of, it’s the literary sleeper for us, The Amelia Six. It’s like that expectations vs. reality meme that has your quarantine self-haircut envisioned as Kelly Kapowski, but it turns out to be more Joe Dirt. To be clear, in this case The Amelia Six was Tiffani Thiessen that actually looked like Kelly Kapowski.

Fun, mystery and more fun for readers 9 and up

Friday Night WrestleFest knows how you end the day with kids

The tickle party takes on many forms. I don’t know when that magical age ends because our children are eight and ten, which is apparently the prime wrestling or tickle party demographic. Friday Night WrestleFest by J.F. Fox with illustrations by Micah Player knows exactly what happens during these festivals of wrestling and laughter.

get yr tickle party on in book form for ages 3-6

A Game of Fox & Squirrels, dances between fantasy and drama

At first glance A Game of Fox & Squirrels could look like a story that’s akin to Jumanji. There is a board game, some fanciful, talking animals and a couple of pre-teen and teen girls. All of these elements exist, but the crux of A Game of Fox & Squirrels is rooted in drama. As long as middle school readers are looking for a well written book that’s steeped in allegory, with the very real topic of abuse, then they’ll enjoy it.

Between fantasy, growing up and acceptance

Jules Vs. The Ocean, summertime tale on trying and not giving up

It’s the giant toilet flushing. It’s out to get me. Either one of those, or some other thought that just happened due to the weather, tide or my mood was what I thought about the ocean when I was a kid. Tide pools were a different story, my relationship with them has always been pleasant, but that ocean. That’s the subject of Jules Vs. The Ocean, an illustrated book by Jessie Sima. 

The ocean’s call can be cruel, this book nails how a 5 YO sees it

You Matter, aptly named and needed anytime

With the exception of holiday books, authors probably can’t assign when their books come out. Keep in mind I have very little idea exactly how the publishing industry works in regards to its relationship with their creators. I doubt that’s it’s some literary cabal that intentionally pulls the strings of interest for readers around the globe. Prove me wrong; show me the secret handshake or the watermark that’s discretely placed in every book. Realizing that is not the case, it’s all the more amazing that You Matter by author/artist Christian Robinson has been released now. It’s a timeless book that would feel at home if it were released in 1968, 1984, 2002 or 2011, but is all the more relevant now.

Come for the art, stay for the message-enjoy it all
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