A Charlie Brown Christmas Pop-Up Edition still delivers the goods

When is A Charlie Brown Christmas on TV is one of those seasonal search terms that roars in popularity during the first week in December. It’s special because the show is one of those communal experiences that bring people together to watch it in their own homes. Much like the classic Crowded House album, we’re Together Alone and watching one of the great stories come to life. A Charlie Brown Christmas Pop-Up Edition brings the classic charm of the show into an heirloom book that will remain in your family for generations.

Happiness, get yr seasonal Holiday Christmas Happniess here

The Beast and the Bethany is pitch-perfect for ages 9 and up

The Beast and the Bethany is a wonderful book. ‘Wonderful’ isn’t a word that I used often to describe books, but in this case, it’s 100% appropriate. Sometimes we use ‘good’ to describe books, but that adjective can be subjective. What’s good for you, might not be good for me, or vice versa. Whereas ‘wonderful’ implies that it’s something that can be enjoyed by everyone at any time. The Beast and the Bethany is that sort of middle-school book. It’ll leave you smiling throughout, tickle your imagination in ways that the classic stories do and it has enough of a mean streak to intrigue those who normally wouldn’t touch it.

This is a new classic that will enthrall ages 9 and up

Who Gives A Poop?, STEM, fun, edutainment for 10 and up

Regardless of your stance on books, STEM, mglit, or chocolate chip cookies, we can all agree that Who Gives A Poop?, Surprising Science From One End To The Other is one of the cleverest book titles you’ll ever run across. The book is a story of things that we see every day. Sometimes it’s hiding in plain sight and other times it smacks us on the shoulder while we’re sitting at the pool. It’s worth noting that actually did happen to our son this summer from a passing seagull. Now that I’ve read this book I know that so many things could’ve been gleaned by taking a look at that white splotch that splattered from him onto our stuff.

It’s science. Stem. funny. readable. and makes ages 10 and up curious

National Geographic Kids: Brain Candy, a rabbit hole of fun and learning

Our 11-year-old used to obsess over books like these from National Geographic Kids. He’d grab one from his collection and regale those in the car who were lucky enough to be near him. It didn’t matter who was in the car either. It could’ve been just the driver, his brother, or friends with him; he loved sharing those tidbits of information. National Geographic Kids Brain Candy is a square book that’s jammed with the kind of vibrant, emotive photographs that make books like these stand out from the crowd.

The book is called Brain Candy because the pages have factoids of knowledge that will make elementary school ages feel intelligent. Ironically, those same facts will make their parents or teachers think to themselves that they used to know these things and or why is it that kids are so much smarter nowadays.

National Geographic Kids Brain Candy has 500 facts with brilliant full-color photos that cover any interest in the universe.
Nat Geo Kids education and fun, or vice versa

Share Some Kindness, Bring Some Light-teaches softly and fun for 4-9

I’m a firm believer that the answers to the problems that you’re currently having are usually right in front of you. In the case of our nine-year-old, he’s reading Share Some Kindness, Bring Some Light. He’s on the tail end of the reading level for this book. The book’s key audience is pre-K through third grade. However, this is one that he can easily read for the most part. For him, it’s more about the message and the soft lesson that the book is illustrating.

Share Some Kindness, Bring Some Light is a great good-night book that shows selfless giving and how to make friends the right way.
disarmingly sweet, lovingly crafted and a great message

50 Maps of the World, breeds curiosity for young minds

‘Young minds’ is relative when talking about 50 Maps of the World. As a kid, I remember scouring over the world atlas our family had. It was an atlas in the truest sense of the word. There were brown patches for mountains, greens for the valleys, tan for the dessert, and varying blues for the vast amount of water. It was a cold, serious atlas and I loved it. 50 Maps of the World takes that innate curiosity that kids have about the world, enlarges it on brightly colored engaging maps, and amps up the wanderlust.

Open only if prone to wanderlust or desire to learn about other cultures

Mayflower: The Ship That Started a Nation, successfully sails and more

The first Thanksgiving was a good 399 years ago. It’s one of those holidays that elementary kids know the basics, but may not the reasons or its history. They know that they’re eating at the small table, part of the extended family will gather in one location, crafts are done, and sometimes football is watched. Our kids know the main vocabulary words like pilgrims, Indians, the Mayflower, and maybe where they landed. Mayflower: The Ship That Started a Nation is an illustrated book that can change that to some degree.

Mayflower: The Ship That Started a Nation is a historical, illustrated book that combines gorgeous art and age appropriate text for ages 9 and up.
An illustrated book about more than eating turkey on the fourth Thursday in November

The Constitution Decoded, a readable, fun reference book

At one point in time, I knew most of what the government of the United States does. I know that when our nine or eleven-year-old asks me questions about this or that regarding the government it all sounds familiar, but nailing down the precise answer is challenging. For situations like this, you need The Constitution Decoded: A Guide to the Documents that Shapes our Nation. This is a reference book for The Constitution. It presents the preamble, all of the articles, amendments, The Declaration of Independence, and the Articles of the Confederation. It has these documents in their entirety, and on the page opposite, it explains it in simple English.

The Constitution Decoded, a reference book that’s readable, fun to engage with, and educates for middle school & up
Middle school USA government doesn’t get better than this
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