Honeybee, a massive love letter to bees that young readers will relish

It’s a testament to an author when their work can be beautiful, moving, educational and disgusting all in the same book. Somewhere in a combination of those adjectives is the secret sauce for getting elementary-aged readers hooked into a subject matter they otherwise might not be attracted to. Honeybee, The Busy Life of Apis Mellifera by Candace Fleming and Eric Rohman is an oversized illustrated book that wrangles all of those things, as well as a little poetry AND a narrative device. The result is a coherent story that has action, the wonder of life, the reality of death, and the promise of a new day. As a bonus, it’s also a true story about something all kids and parents know of, but really don’t know anything about.

Honeybee, a massive love letter to bees that young readers will relish

The fabulous buzz on this book is true

The Torchbearers satisfyingly finishes the Darkdeep mglit trilogy series

That headline sounds likes like a backhanded compliment. It isn’t meant to be but does require a little history. The Darkdeep, the first book in the series was a perfect example of mglit escapism. It set up a world where the kids felt real and the dangers they eventually discovered were equally as scary. The Beast was good but was muddled at times. There was so much happening that the broader world that the kids and the Darkdeep created was confusing and felt like too much. Ironically, in The Torchbearers, authors Ally Condie and Brendan Reichs say hold my drink; amp up the action, widen the book’s scope and end the series in a way that’s fun to read for ages eleven and up.

The TOrchbearers rounds the Darkeep series with ooomph

Arkhamaniacs, a DC Comics graphic novel that runs with glee for 8 and up

When I was a younger man, the Muppet Babies rubbed me the wrong way. I saw the ‘babyization’ of already famous characters represented as infants or babies as robbing the tomb of my childhood. It should also be said that I was also 22 and had a friend who seriously started a petition to remove Barney from PBS because he was annoying. The ’90s, combined with being in your twenties and trying to find yourself was a wacky time wasn’t it? With that mindset clearly in the rearview mirror, I read Arkhamaniacs. I also gave it to our kids to read. Our nine-year-old loved the graphic novel and immediately curled up in bed to read it.

Arkhamaniacs, a DC Comics graphic novel that runs with glee for 8 and up
An original all-age graphic novel that immediately attracts 8-year-olds

The Fallen Hero, a sequel that delivers for middle school readers

I didn’t read The Dragon Warrior. I started reading it, but got jammed up with life, birthdays, work, and then suddenly (one year later…) The Fallen Hero came out. Our ten-year-old read The Dragon Warrior and said that I should read it, but I was too busy planning his birthday, going over his schoolwork, teaching, or otherwise adulting. The Fallen Hero picks up shortly after the events in The Dragon Warrior, and just like that book, our now 11-year-old highly recommends this book.

The Fallen Hero goes deeper into the fun end of Chinese mythology pool

A Natural History of Fairies is THE book on this winged species

“What’s this book about”, our nine-year-old asked. He then started to look through it and was engaged. I told him that it’s about fairies, where they live, what they do, and the different types of them. “Is the tooth fairy in it?”, he asked. The moment he heard “no, but….”, he closed the book and ran to the bathroom to coincidentally brush his teeth.

Fairies are real and if you can’t see them it’s because you don’t want to. That’s the kind of person who would enjoy A Natural History of Fairies. If you’re dubious, look closer at the book and your opinion will morph. Much like the green patch of moss under the tree that suddenly looks like it could be a landing pad or pillow for an imp that’s trying hard not to be seen. It starts from the moment you feel the cloth, embossed cover, with the smooth illustration and the start to marvel at the details and love that went into that one image.

Fairies wear boots and this book has them all

Elementary readers will be forever Bad Kitty, #FurEverBadKitty

For us, Bad Kitty is the best kind of retiring cop buddy-movie. They always manage to pull us back in. Our 11-year-old went through a huge Bad Kitty phase when he was in third grade. He would howl with laughter when we’d leave him alone so that he could dig in with Uncle Murray, kitty, and the other animals that make up Nick Brule’s world. That was a couple of years ago. His brother was casually interested in Bad Kitty, and then not at all. However, now, just like the venerable Sergeant Murtaugh who’s about to retire, our nine-year-old has rediscovered a certain skittish black kitty.

Bad Kitty, even the upper elementary kids dig it

Pocket Piggies Christmas! brings home the board book bacon

When I think back to the baby shower gifts we received there were some that rose above others. At both ends of the spectrum were an expensive glass vase and a 24-pack of Hot Wheels. The Hot Wheels cars both boys played with for hours and that vase is in the kitchen where it catches coins, spare batteries or other non-elegant things that it’s not suited for. Somewhere in the middle of these gifts are the board books that our boys enjoyed. In that vein, Pocket Piggies Christmas! is a board book that knows its audience and really delivers the bacon.

Pocket Piggies Christmas! Is seasonal, board book, comfort food for those newborns through toddlers.
Cute Pigs. Christmas Board Book. Happy Babies.

Disney Block continues the Peskimo charm, this time with pixie dust

Alphablock and Countablock, released in 2013 and 2014, have taught tens of thousands of children their alphabet or how to count. Our family is certainly in that group, as both boys learned their basics from them. Those books are part of the Abrams Block Book series and since then, they’ve expanded to fun, entertainment topics, as well as, the educational building blocks of the English language. Disney Block, Magical Moments For Fans of Every Age is an Abrams Block Book that takes the format of these books and captures 25 moments from classic Walt Disney films.

This is a board book that will last for multiple children
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