Vern, Custodian of the Universe, a smart graphic novel that thinks and asks

Vern, custodian of the Universe is the strangest, most creative and surreal graphic novel since  Neurocomic. It also echoes the sentiment from the classic Peggy Lee song, “Is that All There Is?”, and parallels to Janet Jackson’s “What Have You Done For Me Lately”, which was certainly more about relationships, but could be extrapolated to a greater sense. Vern deals with the multiverse, and before you dismiss this smart graphic novel as merely jumping on the bandwagon that movies have mercilessly pounded into the ground, hear me out. This graphic novel accomplishes readers getting interested in it by successfully and entertainingly melding so many areas of a science-fiction venn diagram some readers might not know what to focus on.  They’ll come for the trope of the multiverse, but get sucked into the art, check it out for the art, but then dig deeper into the STEM or one of any other possible paths.

Vern Custodian of the Universe features beautiful art and an intelligent, STEM based story about the multiverse and the minute details that could alter it.
Trippy, fun, creative and great for upper middle and high school ages

Jump for Joy, a sublime new classic with a timeless story 

Jump for Joy is an illustrated book that shows two sides of the same tail. It’s simultaneously very basic, has thought-provoking art, and allows young children to fill in the blanks so that they can make the story their own. It has the quality that Billy’s walkabout in the Family Circus does where you’re innately drawn to run your finger along the path that he’s intentionally, and aimlessly walking to avoid something. In Jump for Joy you’ll find yourself tracing your finger over Joy, as well as, the dogs, even though they’re a two-dimensional drawing on the pages. It could be an attempt for your subconscious to make the book last longer, but you’ll do it too and probably won’t be able to figure out why either.

Jump for Joy is a timeless story about a girl and a dog who both need each other, paired with pitch perfect art.
The art. The simplicity of the story. The universal appeal.

The Secret Society of Aunts & Uncles proves this naysayer wrong

The Secret Society of Aunts & Uncles lingered on my bookshelf for a little bit. It lingered there because it’s co-written by Jake Gyllenhaal. I don’t need to review an illustrated book with an impossible-to-resist cover that’s co-authored by a famous movie star. Stay in your lane actor man. Still, The Secret Society of Aunts & Uncles beckoned me like a siren from the steep cliffs. I was in my boat of pointless bias and the land was the area of great illustrated books that I hadn’t read yet.

The Secret Society of Aunts & Uncles is the charming story about a club that teaches siblings of parents the ways of how to be cool to nieces and nephews.
Celebrity author, it’s super duper in this instance

Monsters Never Get Haircuts, say hello to a new classic

Monsters Never Get Haircuts is a fabulously strange book that looks like it’s from another dimension. In this universe, children’s drawings are the currency of the wealthy and each illustration is handled twice by two masters who manage to make it freakier, yet more accessible. It’s a series of one-upmanship where the first artist dares the second one to improve upon it, and they do. All of this could be true about Monsters Never Get Haircuts except there’s only one artist in play, although they might have multiple personalities, I don’t know, and the text is refreshingly brief. Pre-K and early elementary school audiences will love this book for those reasons and the fact that it’s utterly original, yet familiar to their young souls.

Monsters Never Get Haircuts has the potential to be your pre-k kid’s favorite book. The art is awesome, text is brief and the story is very funny.
This book will be on your forever book shelf

10 Dogs adds up to a clever sibling that’s more than a counting book

Dogs are the Rodney Dangerfield of the internet. If your local human society is holding a newspaper collection drive they might say, we need your old newspapers to line the dog’s cages and the cats need something to read. * Having said that, dogs are awesome and although their meme appeal isn’t as high as cats online, their real-life presence is just as strong. 10 Dogs is the sibling to 10 Cats, one of the best counting books we’ve seen recently. When I saw 10 Dogs I did squint just a little bit because I feared that the clever premise would be used once too often. Instead, 10 Dogs goes in an entirely different direction that takes inspiration from cats but is its own funny, clever creation.

10 Dogs is a counting book in that it adds to 10 in a variety of ways that will make kids laugh, smile, grin, notice small details, with dogs.
Count, and count in a funny way with dogs and sausages

City Spies: Mission Manhattan, almost measures up to its predecessors

The great thing about a franchise is that it’s dependable. City Spies by New York Times Bestselling author James Ponti is one of the go-to mglit book series for upper-elementary through middle school readers who know. The first four books, and about half of Mission Manhattan, read like a screenplay that is primed and ready to become the next movie franchise that you didn’t know you needed. They’re loaded with enough action, teen-centric humor, and intrigue to keep ages 8-12 entertained and invested in the group’s progress. The group goes on supervised missions where adult spies would look too out of place and each spy is named after the mega city from which they’re from, like Rio, London, Cairo, etc. City Spies: Mission Manhattan finds the group of teenage spies-in-training in Italy and New York embroiled in a plot to save a fellow teenager from danger within her camp.

City Spies: Mission Manhattan is the fifth book in this go-to mglit book series and almost hits the same league as its predecessors
City Spies 5 aims for the same highs, but falls just a bit short

Hooray for She, He, Ze, and They!, too much for too young

I was teaching a fifth-grade class the other year and one of the smarter (see: clever) kids asked me, “Mr. Trey, did you just misgender me?” The kid then followed it up with, “Mr. Trey, what are your pronouns?” Without missing a beat, I said, “Dude, my pronouns are Shut and Up, now be quiet and do your work.” It was obvious that this student was not curious about today’s social morays or furthering the cause of gender identity. He was mocking it, knew that I would get his quip and suspected that the rest of the class would be oblivious to his verbal prank, and he was correct.

I mention that story to say that Hooray for She, He, Ze, and They!: What Are Your Pronouns Today? is an illustrated book geared for early elementary-aged students. It’s an illustrated book that makes The Sublime Ms. Stacks come across as wholesome as The Waltons or as a needed introduction for today’s youth who need a pronoun that they change according to their mood, depending on your view.  

Hooray for She, He, Ze and They! What Are Your Pronouns Today? Is a noble book whose target audience is too young for the social message.
Zes is zthe book on pronounz for ze children

The Catwings Complete Collection, confidence-building fun for young readers

Confidence makes doing anything easier. Ask an elementary-aged kid if they can dance and they’ll contort six ways from Saturday. Ask an adult to dance and you’re likely to get a muted stare and a wavering hand in search of a drink. The same can also be said for asking if someone is an artist. Young readers need to gain confidence early too, the sooner that they realize that they can read, the easier it is for them to jump into more age-appropriate text and read to learn, instead of learning to read. The Catwings Complete Collection has the four classic books in the series from Ursula K. Le Guin in one package.

The Catwings Complete Collection is the book series for getting kindergarten through fourth engage in chapter books.
Early chapter book series, meet willing young audiences
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