Newton and Curie The Science Squirrels, fun STEM for K-4

As a teacher, I know that math and science are fun. Yet, when I mention this to most elementary-aged students, the vocal minority will groan, and the silent majority just might go along with this trope. When this happens I immediately pivot to a real-life instance that could illustrate whatever math or science lesson I’m teaching that day. Newton and Curie The Science Squirrels is an illustrated book that addresses simple machines that elementary students will learn about in third or fourth grade. The book introduces them to these machines via a soft, pleasant story that those younger ages will be able to understand, with the assistance of two smart squirrels.

STEM-tastic illustrated reading for early elementary

Legacy, a collection of poems educators will love, and students will like

Our last encounter with Nikki Grimes was in Southwest Sunrise. As someone who typically doesn’t like poems, I referred to it as stealth poetry. That book is an illustrated book but has text that’s more poetic in nature. With Legacy, Women Poets of the Harlem Renaissance, the literary cat has officially left the bag, because this is 100% poetry, and that’s OK. That’s what Stuart Smalley would say.  Legacy is a poetry book that’s bite-sized in nature, allowing even those poetry adverse people to enjoy it. It accomplishes this by holding your hand as you read some classic poems from the Harlem Renaissance, as well as, some new poems from Grimes that were created using the Golden Shovel technique.

Legacy is a collection of vintage poems, as well as new ones by Nikki Grimes that highlight women poets of the Harlem Renaissance.
It’s Accessible poetry, really

MuMutts Go Green, an eco-friendly trip for fans and newcomers

Mutts Go Green, Earth-Friendly Tips and Comic Strips by Patrick McDonnell is a collection that laughs in the face of the Christmas music test. We use that test as a barometer for holiday music. If said Christmas song is great, then we can listen to it anytime, not just during December. Currently only Kelly Clarkson and Hanson are the ones to survive our Christmas Music Test. * Mutts Go Green is a collection of classic comic strips that are being released around Earth Day; but go hand-in-glove with Earl, Mooch, and the overall vibe of perfection that McDonnell has created during its 25 plus year voyage.

Like pizza or chocolate, Mutts is always excellent

Cougar Crossing, well-paced animal-taiment on city wildlife

Cougar Crossing is based in southern California. It’s worth noting that Courtney Cox and Jennifer Anniston do not live at that intersection. This is an illustrated book that tells the story of P-22 a mountain lion that lives in the Santa Monica Mountains near Hollywood. Welcome to the land of city wildlife, near Beverly, Hills that is, swimming pools, movies stars and some rogue animals that don’t belong anywhere near them. This is a clear-cut case of the fact that the cougar, P-22 and his ancestors, were on the land first, but those desert hills kept attracting more residents. What’s a natural predator to do?

A City wildlife tale with broad appeal

Manga Yokai Stories Ghostly Tales From Japan for middle and up

Manga is an onion the size of a small city. There’s a manga for every genre and even some subsets within those genres. I’m no expert on the subject, so if you’re a manga fan factor in whilst I tell you about Manga Yokai Stories Ghostly Tales From Japan. This is a collection of stories that were originally compiled by Lufcadio Hearn in the late 1800s. As older stories go, they might change over time and Manga Yokai Stories Ghostly Tales From Japan have been retold by Sean Michael Wilson. There’s a preface in the book from Wilson that explains how and why he crafted the stories. They do stick very close to the traditional stories but might have been tweaked to better conform with the pacing of a graphic novel or manga. The result is a fascinating look that’s part cultural history, dread, and horror that serves as an example of what makes manga so popular with millions of fans around the world.

Manga Yokai Stories: Ghostly Tales From Japan is hauntingly beautiful, slightly gory, a bit creepy and great fun for middle school and up.
A manga that will make you like Manga if you’re on the fence

This Is The Glade Where Jack Lives, an offbeat, charming tale

I just had to look up the difference between a glade and a moor, essentially one is reserved for shooting while the other is merely an open space in a forest. This Is The Glade Where Jack Lives immediately reminded me of the book that it reminded you of. This Is The House That Jack Built is that backward told tale that was as great as the person reading it to you. If the reader is full of emotion and passion, then the story leaped off of the page. This Is The Glade Where Jack Lives, Or How a Unicorn Saved the Day takes that template, amps up the silly factor, and adds some fabulous illustrations to make a great good-night that will leave kids four-eight laughing regardless of when they read it.

This is the book, kids rightly mistook for a great good-night read

Old Enough to Save the Planet succeeds for many reasons

If Old Enough to Save the Planet were a time then it would be a sunny, warm weekend afternoon. From time to time there would be a cool breeze and there’d also hear a symphony of birds from a variety of branches in the tree above you. There’s a lot to like about Old Enough to Save the Planet. It’s all presented from an easy-going, leisurely perspective that provides elementary-aged children a dozen real-life examples of youth that saw a problem and are actively doing something about it.

A soft teaching eco book that works with illustrations and kids

Do You Know Where the Animals Live?, animal questions kids actually have

A book whose title asks a question owns a special spot to those kidlit readers. Do You Know Where the Animals Live? is a children’s book from Peter Wohlleben, who young readers might know from The Hidden Life of Trees or The Inner Life of Animals. This is our first time reading one of his books and the difference in how he approaches nature content, relative to how some readers might be used to reading about it is immediate and respectful.

Do You Know Where The Animals Live? is a smart, STEM-centered animal book for curious kids who want to ask and read questions about critters.
Looking for a smart book on animals for ages 9 and up?
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