This Is Still Not A Book!, an absurd, elementary-aged board book

When is a book not a book? This is Still Not A Book! is the sequel to This Is Not A Book!. “This is a very direct book”, said our 11-year-old when he opened it. I wasn’t sure what he meant by that, and after looking at the board book I can somewhat understand what he meant. It’s worth noting that this child is very literal and able to see the big picture, as well as, the small picture. That is important because This Is Still Not A Book! is a board book from the realm of absurdity, from which you have to venture through The Far Side to get there. All that’s missing from this book are a couple of cow puns or talking animals to complete the classic one-strip motif.

This Is Still Not A Book! is a wonderful, creative, surreal board book that’s part optical illustion and Far Side for elementary.
This is a very clever and smart board book

We Are The Supremes, music, and friendship for all

What do The Supremes and the Ramones have in common? While they’ll certainly have more join them in this club, they’re both the subject of recent, excellent illustrated books that are aimed at children aged four through seven. We Are The Supremes is an illustrated book in the Friends Change the World series on Quarto Knows. The book tells the story of three different friends who were talented in different ways who worked through it all to become the most successful girl groups of all time.

We Are The Supremes, an illustrated book with a friendship backbone on this seminal group and how they formed.
An illustrated book for ages 4 and up on one of the biggest music groups ever

This Book Is Anti-Racist Journal is woke, riot-grrl commerce

The Christmas music test is a constant in our world. If the song is great enough to hear around December, then in theory, you could hear it anytime and be OK with it. A good song is a good song, regardless of whether or not it has seasonal greetings in its content. Books are the same way and This Book Is Anti-Racist Journal is Christmas music for those who like this type of seasonal songs.

This Book Is Anti-Racist Journal is the interactive compendium to the successful and timely 2020 release.
A journal for those who liked the book and want to document it

First Names, Ferdinand Magellan, the happy nexus of graphic novel and book

First Names, Science Comics and Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales are the publishing equivalent of a slightly older brother by another mother. Science Comics, and their sibling, History Comics are graphic novels that are published by:01 First Second. Both of those series do an excellent job at presenting non-fiction topics or events in a graphic novel format. Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales are graphic novels that take a more humorous, but still non-fiction look at people or events. The First Names book series have hundreds of illustrations that would be at home in a graphic novel, but frame them around text that helps complete the story. First Names Ferdinand Magellan is a detailed look at his life, discovery, and the events surrounding all of them that shaped how we navigate the planet.

Book Edu-fu-tainment, for lack of a better term

Strange Nature, amazing close-up images kids want to see

It takes a special kind of person to oversee a fourth-grade report. In most cases those students are presented with a wide variety of options to choose from and more often than not, they’ll go for the more obscure animals. When I oversee kids doing a report like this I always encourage them to do the research in a book. The way that elementary kids use computers to research things is limited to what they see on the screen. They won’t let their natural curiosity turn the page before they’ve written down an information point that their teacher has asked for. Strange Nature, The Insect Portraits of Levon Biss is the kind of slow boiling, detail-filled book on bizarre insects that most kids will never see, but will know something about.

Bugs you can love. Photography you’ll crave.

That Thing About Bollywood, growing pains for all, with an Indian twist

My knowledge of Bollywood is limited. I know that they’re very popular and loaded with catchy songs. You do not need to know anything about Bollywood or Indian culture to enjoy That Thing About Bollywood. The local college radio station we listen to has an Indian program on and we’ll listen to it as a palette cleanser. Similar to the book, you don’t need to know the songs or understand the language to tap your toes when you hear the music. Sonali is a typical 11-year-old girl whose family is going through challenging times. She’s a little shy and realizes that things are even more unusual when she starts singing and dancing during a school trip. Moreover, even the background colors are changing with colors that pop and contrast more than they do in real life.

MGLIT for kids going through changes

Thanks A Ton!, teaches ‘thanks’ as only Hello!Lucky can

When we last saw the Hello!Lucky team, they were up and at ‘em with Go Get ‘Em Tiger. In Thanks A Ton! their bright, maniacally happy presentation is back with a cadre of animals and the goal of getting kids to laugh and say ‘thank you. If you haven’t seen a Hello!Lucky book or any of their graphic artwork it’s unmistakable.

It’s a book for children, keep telling yourself that

Onyx is fun, educational, non-fiction that will inspire kids

Onyx True Stories of Animal Heroes is one of the first releases in a new series on Frances Lincoln Children’s Books, an imprint of Quarto Knows. The book feels old-school, from the cloth-like feel of the front and back cover to its spine that has a different color as if channeling a Golden Book. In reality, Onyx is a refreshing, early elementary read-along book or a middle to upper elementary book that will inspire kids to read more about wolves.

Lovely art and an incredible story
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