Cold War Correspondent, great storytelling on an area not covered in school

I make no bones about the fact that I absolutely love the Hazardous Tales book series from Nathan Hale. My only complaint about that non-fiction graphic novel series is that the pages and the font are too small. As if sensing my very wishes, Amulet Books published the Bigger & Badder Editions of some of the previously released Hazardous Tales. In my effort to temp the universe I complained about bad music on the radio and a lack of free pizza, to no avail. Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales Cold War Correspondent ups the ante to this series by making readers learn about a subject that they probably know nothing about in a manner that’s intelligent, funny, and respectful.

Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales Cold War Correspondent takes the complex, hazy era of post WWII and crystallizes it into an intelligent and approachable graphic novel.
Make the unteachable fun for middle school? Hold my pen says Nathan Hale

With Great Power, a fab illustrated look at Stan Lee for grades 2 and up

Imagine that you are tasked with creating a book about someone whose life has made a worldwide impact. They help found an entire industry and the look of their creation is one that every kid aged three and up knows. That is a daunting task. Now take this person’s life and make an illustrated book on it without directly using the style that most people are familiar with. The task is even more daunting now. With Great Power, The Marvelous Stan Lee is an unauthorized biography that nails the early life of Stan Lee to the floor. It’s entertaining, has great non-Marvel type illustrations, as well as, nuggets of information that even the comic or Marvel kids in elementary school will be surprised to learn.

Read on, young true believers

Egg Marks The Spot is intelligent storytelling for young readers

What if the book DNA from Indiana Jones and Frog and Toad were magically strewn together? It would be a rollicking adventure that followed two friends as they went about their quest for a relic, or perhaps a rock. But, we’d also need to include lots of intelligent banter between the friends that are on par with an age-appropriate Sherlock. Egg Marks The Spot is a Skunk and Badger Story and is very close to fulfilling that order. The result is the second book in a series that’s smarter than most kids are used to reading, that’s partnered with more action than you’d expect from a skunk and a badger.

Egg Marks The Spot is intelligent storytelling for young readers that takes its time and delivers several fun twists that will keep you grinning.
This proves that smart books aren’t a chore for kids to read

Revver The Big Race Home, still ripping doughnuts for elementary school

Revver The Speedway Squirrel was one of the mid through early middle school comfort reads released in 2021. The premise about a squirrel and how he’s able to communicate with humans, in addition to not getting squished by cars going 150 miles an hour is inherently interesting to elementary school kids. It’s Frogger, but in a kidlit friendly way that makes you root for the squirrel and the humans. Revver The Speedway Squirrel: The Big Race Home sees our favorite squirrel traveling with the race crew. Reluctant elementary school readers unite because this book continues the folky, adventuresome tales of a rodent with a shade tale and a penchant for speed.

Back for more reluctant reading elementary school fun

Stuntboy is the start of a fabulous, fart-free, graphic novel series

In the best of all possible ways, Stuntboy has an old-school strand woven all through the book. Even before you read the graphic novel that seed is sown when you turn the cover and see what author Jason Reynolds has written. It’s the dedication page where authors and illustrators dedicate the book or thank influential people in their lives. Reynolds’ blurb simply says “For ten-year old me” and illustrator Raul the Third’s is dedicated to the Village Two apartments where he grew up. Stuntboy has the DNA of a 10-year-old all through it. It’s also a graphic novel with the sensibilities of a traditional book, where the written words navigate its direction.

Stuntboy is the start of a great graphic novel series that will sit alongside Captain Underpants in elementary school libraries.
A graphic novel series that will be shared and constantly checked out

A Day In The Life of A Poo, A Gnu and You is a go-to STEM reference

Everything old is new again. That phrase comes to mind when realizing some of the great books that came out during the pandemic that didn’t receive the attention that they deserve. A Day In The Life Of A Poo, A Gnu, and You, a Laugh-Out-Loud Guide to Life on Earth is one of those books. It’s as big as an illustrated book, yet has the depth and weight of a reference book, but has more colors and graphics than some comic books or graphic novels. As if the book is attempting to pile on its brownie points, it’s educational, funny, ridiculously entertaining, and wait for it….one that kids will really want to read.

A Day In The Life of A Pooh is at the intersection of comic book, reference material, large-form graphic novel, and humor mag that’s been given a STEM jacket to wear.
The intersection of comic/graphic novel/reference, funny book

Rube Goldberg and His Amazing Machines, the curse continues

When our boys were younger they’d receive Rube Goldberg toys as presents from time to time. They were poorly made, never worked and made us yearn for our Mousetrap game from the 1970s. Rube Goldberg and His Amazing Machines is the first in a series of books with a middle school version of the titular character. This is an intellectual property that exudes characteristics that any parent wants their child to emulate. The characters in the story are ones that kids will like also. It’s therefore really ironic that the book doesn’t connect with middle school readers.

Rube Goldberg and His Amazing Machines tries to capture the inventor, madcap sprit in a tween book, but lets loose some of the mojo.
The mystique doesn’t measure up the book

Inside In, is hypnotic photo-oriented STEM for six and up

Kids are inherently curious and that’s a fact that applies to every child regardless of age. Rare is the book that makes middle school and elementary school students equally curious. Either the book is too simple for older readers, too advanced for younger readers, has content that’s in-between the two demographics or simply just is not interesting. Inside In is a book that immediately grabs the attention of kids aged six through 14 and even north of that. It’s a coffee table book for STEM-minded folks, as well as, those who simply like to take their mind on a trip. The subtitle of the book, X-Rays of Nature’s Hidden World, gives you the immediate reason as to why kids will be engrossed in it.

Inside In sounds like a typo, instead, it’s a photo-centric book on X-Rays and how they can show the art of things hidden in plain sight.
Art by another nam is just an x-Ray
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