Professional wrestling, just like a good mglit book needs an excellent heel. If the evil, bad guy, or source of conflict is not somewhat believable, in addition to being an actual threat, then the build-up is for naught. Iron Man 3 is a great example of that. Naomi Feitelbaum Ends the World is mglit that doesn’t suffer that same fate. It’s a quick-paced, lively romp with a Golem at the center of things.
A weird little-monster book that’s based in Jewish mythologyCategory: Books
These are books that kids will want to read-or should read, but will enjoy doing so. Board book, picture books, kid lit, elementary school books, middle school books, high school books, all age comic books and more will be talked about here.
Octopuses Have Zero Bones, an instant classic and ‘best of’ any year
Octopuses Have Zero Bones is one of the best books of the year. Granted, it is very early in 2023, but that’s OK because it was technically released in September of 2022. We’re not going to let a little technicality like that get in the way of calling this book an instant classic and a ‘best of’, whichever year you want to put it in. One thing that we ascribe to is treating kids as smart as you want them to be. When our own children were younger we did it that way and it’s the way that I teach my classes, regardless of the grade. Octopuses Have Zero Bones is a counting book, but it’s so much more than just a book that’ll teach counting to toddlers.

5-Minute Ada Twist, Scientist Stories, nuggets of STEM fun for ages 5-7
As we’ve said before, it’s an Ada Twist world, we’re just living in it. For kids of a certain age, see those kids who are between five and seven years old, Ada Twist has been tickling their STEM fancy since 2016. She started out in illustrated books, has branched out into chapter books, a Netflix show, and now 5-Minute Ada Twist, Scientist Stories takes the series to bed. The book doesn’t overtly say bedtime stories with Ada Twist. However, the five-minute timeline in the book’s title lets parents know that this is a safe place to read when it’s already ten minutes past where they should’ve been.

The Second Chance of Benjamin Waterfalls, real, different, great mglit
When I was teaching 8th grade ELA I was aghast at how few students read for fun and how much work their context clues needed. Out of the approximately 108 students that I taught for a couple of months, there was one of them that read for fun. That student’s grades reflected that fact and they constantly got strong A’s on their assignments, while paying minimal attention in class. I mention this, albeit in kind of a rant, that there are an almost limitless number of books that will be great for middle school readers.
The Second Chance of Benjamin Waterfalls is a book that will certainly be attractive to upper elementary through middle school audiences. It’s a curiously long title that will intrigue those readers who stand a chance at reading the book. The reason I phrase it like that is that getting middle school students to read, much less read realistic fiction is a seriously challenging task.
Left of center realistic fiction for tweens and teensIf Your Babysitter is a Bruja is grin-along imagination play for four and up
At the intersection of soft education, entertainment, and the imagination of four-year-old lays If Your Babysitter is a Bruja. It’s an illustrated book with a Halloween spirit, but can be entertaining any time of the year. Bruja, as those broom-flying people know by its implication is that the book sprinkles in the occasional Spanish word. Really, I haven’t seen ay, caramba used this much since the first couple of seasons of The Simpsons.

Mi Comunidad!/My Community! makes a true bilingual book accomplishable
I understand why some parents don’t want to read a book to children in a second language. It’s the accent that we perceive they’ll be laughed at. I get that, but spoiler alert, your elementary school student is not going to know if you’re slightly mispronouncing a word in a second language that’s in a book. This is a good thing. To be able to have a book in Spanish and English, with exactly the same content in a way elementary-aged kids will understand and enjoy, is a good thing. Mi Comunidad!/My Community! is by 123 Andres and it’s a high-quality bilingual illustrated book that kids will enjoy, but might fly under your radar.
Learning a second language is easier the younger that they startHershel and the Hanukkah Goblins, a classic that we just found out about
You’ll feel like you know Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins. The story will resonate with you simply by looking at the cover as a menorah is being lit by a traveler with a goblin hovering beside him. You might have never read the book, but its moral, succinct fashion, and spot-on art will leave you feeling like it’s a book that you’ve always known. Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins is a hardcover, illustrated book that’s more about the story than it is about the religious celebration.

I Don’t Care, the sly, slow and lasting road to friendship
Softness is not a pejorative. There are certain children’s illustrated books that wear that descriptor as a badge or cloak, enabling it to give it strength and personality. Author Julie Fogliano’s work embraces that mantra. Her books have the timeless and approachable morals that early elementary kids crave. They do so in a way that’s not preachy, this is important because that fact allows older readers, teachers and parents to relate to the book as it brings back memories. I Don’t Care is an illustrated book that starts out on somewhat of a contrary tone, but teaches an aspect that everyone can learn from.