As a parent, should you advise other parents?

Nobody likes people who butt into their business.  They offer suggestions and voice their opinions when we may not want or need them.   This can be especially true when it comes to parents and the style or manner in which they raise their children.

We encountered two situations recently where we didn’t say anything, but left possibly wishing that we should have.

Continue reading As a parent, should you advise other parents?

Parents, runny noses, Boogie Wipes and DISCO!

The many benefits of cold weather are skiing, snowboarding and blue horizons pierced by pine trees that challenge the sky for height.  Alas, if you’re a mom or dad who doesn’t happen to live in Colorado, then cold weather means runny noses, sick children and a yearning to be a parent in one of those mountain states.

A child with a runny nose is a disgusting thing.  Your child with a runny nose is an angel that needs to have their nose wiped before they re-enact the movie Up with mucus bubbles. Continue reading Parents, runny noses, Boogie Wipes and DISCO!

Daddy Mojo’s favorite free iPad apps for toddlers

Baby Mojo is just 16 months but he loves to interact with the iPad.  We’ve found a couple great apps that help teach him basic words and phonics.  Verbally, we’ll teach him the sounds of the alphabet, but when he sees the letters we’re teaching him the phonetic pronunciation.  All of these apps are free, but some of them may have additional aspects that you pay money for.

Continue reading Daddy Mojo’s favorite free iPad apps for toddlers

Toys for the toddler: Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Camera

Toddlers destroy things.  If a toddler were a mattress they’d have a tag on them that says, “Do not remove this tag or I’ll destroy more things than I would normally”.  Toddlers touch what they shouldn’t, parents stop them, that’s our job. Continue reading Toys for the toddler: Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Camera

What Pee Wee’s Playhouse can teach Parents

Growing up in the 80’s had certain peaks and valleys.  For me one of those peaks was watching Pee Wee’s Playhouse, the kids’ show that adults could love starring Paul Reubens.  Children could enjoy the visuals and the simple jokes while adults (see:  college students) enjoyed the sublime humor or played it later as a drinking game. Continue reading What Pee Wee’s Playhouse can teach Parents

What Indiana Jones and television dogs taught this Dad about Parenting

I love the opening sequence in Raiders of the Lost Ark.  When Indy finally gets to the large room where the golden idol is he pulls out a bag of sand, shifts some of it out and then switches it out for the treasure.  It’s a clever trick and an accurate premise.  The treasure is on a pressure sensitive platform that triggers a huge boulder if something heavier or lighter is on it.

Prior to being a stay at home dad I used to do PR for an animal shelter.  As part of my job I would take cats or dogs to local television stations and tell the audience why they needed to adopt this pet.   Dirty little secret:  when I took cats, I always took kittens and when I took dogs I always had bacon in my pocket.

What could that sequence from Raiders and the experience with pets on live television possibly have taught me about parenting? Continue reading What Indiana Jones and television dogs taught this Dad about Parenting

A dad and mom play “did somebody step on a duck”?

As a stay at home dad I encounter lots of funny situations with my child.  Toilet jokes are the low hanging fruit in the blog world.  I made a pact with myself to avoid stories about the toilet, a moratorium if you will, for as long as possible.  I’m sure that when Baby Mojo gets to the potty training phase of life we’ll have more stories, some of which may actually be funny. 

 Speaking in a very technical sense, it’s not a story of the toilet, more accurately it’s a case of “did somebody step on a duck”?  Continue reading A dad and mom play “did somebody step on a duck”?

A parenting tip for maintaining the baby’s library

Both mom and I have been reading to Baby Mojo since he could open his eyes.  It started out with Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Ten Little Ladybugs and an assortment of other hardback books.  We have many more non hardback books, but quickly discovered that he would either eat them or destroy the pages. Continue reading A parenting tip for maintaining the baby’s library

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