Rookie Dads is June 16, 6:30-8PM at Baby on the Go, Roswell

It seems like only yesterday I was a freewheeling childless guy who didn’t have a clue about what to expect in regards to raising children.  The learning curve from expectant father to Dad is huge and there are loads of questions that you don’t know you need to ask.

The old saying, you don’t know what you don’t know applies very well to expectant fathers.  You’re looking forward to it, but there is so much to learn and the only way to gain that knowledge is through experience.  It’s the yin and yang of parenting. Continue reading Rookie Dads is June 16, 6:30-8PM at Baby on the Go, Roswell

June iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

The iPad isn’t the patron saint of parenting and should not be used instead of good parenting; but it can certainly help entertain and educate children.  Toddler Mojo is 20 months old now and adores his iPad time.   He learns from it and has fun at the same time.  Granted some of the iPad apps have more fun involved than learning; but there have to be some enhancements of his fine motor skills going on there too.  Here’s a quick rundown of what Toddler Mojo is digging on the iPad this month. Continue reading June iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

Week 20-Mom and Dad, your baby is the size of a cantaloupe!

Dads, this is the halfway point of the pregnancy. However, up until now it’s been a slow build up and the really radical changes are just around the corner. Hint to dads: as the wardrobe of your bride is changing into maternity wear, surprise them with a gift certificate to a shoe store. At this point they may grouse about their clothing, however, shoes will remain the same size, so this gift is great for pregnancy and post pregnancy. Continue reading Week 20-Mom and Dad, your baby is the size of a cantaloupe!

What bathroom does a genderless child use?

Mommy Mojo and I will find out the gender of our second child this week.  I don’t really need to find out their gender, I’m good with surprises, even really big surprises like knowing if we’re having a boy or a girl.  My wife like her surprises on a smaller scale, like not knowing what’s for dinner until she gets home. Continue reading What bathroom does a genderless child use?

Hey Dads-The Atlanta Baby & Child Expo is this weekend

Everybody in the Mojo house is excited as we’re expecting our second child in October.  Just because we run a parenting blog don’t think that we know everything about being a dad, much less being a father to an infant.  Infancy was more than a year ago and I have trouble remembering what we saw on television last night.  I think it was Bait Car, but can’t be too sure. Continue reading Hey Dads-The Atlanta Baby & Child Expo is this weekend

DIY a Stay at home Dad can do: Wall paper removal

My wife and I love our house, for us it is perfect.  When we have to move it’ll be because we’re old, gray and can’t make it up the stairs anymore.  If we have to move before then and don’t like the people who’ll be purchasing the house, then this dad will spend hours putting up wall paper.  Ugly, thick wall paper that will be immediately dated to an era when boy bands ruled and Good Vibrations wasn’t considered a cheesy song. Continue reading DIY a Stay at home Dad can do: Wall paper removal

April iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

Our iPad is a great piece of machinery.  As Toddler Mojo gets older we’re learning more and more that it can be an invaluable tool in educating him and keeping dad sane.  The iPad sure isn’t a toy.  However, all of those stories you hear about children loving the iPad are true and sometimes those quiet moments your child has with it are priceless.

Here are three great apps that can really help out mom and dad when yon toddler needs a distraction. Continue reading April iPad apps that will entertain toddlers

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