Click, Clack Moo: Cows That Type, hits the puppet stage show

Click, Clack Moo: Cows That Type is a classic children’s book about cows that learn to type and start communicating with Farmer Brown. It was originally released in 2001, earned the Caldecott Honor Book award that same year and hasn’t aged at all since then. Click, Clack Moo: Cows That Type also translates very well onto the stage, specifically the puppet stage at Center for Puppetry Arts where it’s playing through July 26, 2015.

Click, Clack Moo: Cows That Type, hits the puppet stage show, photo from Center for Puppetry Arts

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Butterfly Encounter at Chattahoochee Nature Center is through July 31

Kids and nature go together like hand and glove. Our kids love going there for no reason at all. They’ve got a lake where dozens of turtles lounge on the fallen trees on a summer’s day and dozens of other critters in natural settings that the kids love learning about. Normally it’s status quo and a good place to pass time.  However, now Chattahoochee Nature Center has an exhibit, Butterfly Encounter that will absolutely leave you breathless.

Butterfly Encounter at Chattahoochee Nature Center is through July 31

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HH Gregg for Father’s Day and beyond makes cents #ad

We were compensated for this post. All thoughts are our own, our money saving, technology loving own. Today we went to the Ultimate Chore Challenge Obstacle Course at an HH Gregg near us. It was a one day event where people could compete in basic household chores for the chance to win big prizes.  There were plenty of kids involved in the activities and there are even lots of options for everyone to win, especially on Father’s Day.

HH Gregg for Father’s Day and beyond makes cents

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$235 worth of Jim Henson comics-pay what you want

If you’re a fan of all age comic books, comics in general, Jim Henson, Fraggle Rock, The Dark Crystal, The Storyteller or Center for Puppetry Arts this is a fabulous deal. Note: the above description most likely applies to anyone who has ever enjoyed The Muppets, pop culture or comics. Humble Bundle has bundled together digital copies of all Jim Henson comic books with the proceeds benefitting Center for Puppetry Arts.

$235 worth of Jim Henson comics-pay what you want

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Kohl’s and Father’s Day is a low stress option for dad #ad

We were compensated for this post.  All thoughts are our own. I hadn’t seen my next door neighbor for months and the place that I run into him is Kohl’s. It’s not that Kohl’s serves bacon when you enter or has secret places for guys to hide when their better halves are shopping. If you go to the store it’s conveniently laid out, is all on one level and has clearance racks (for the frugal minded dads) out the wazoo, just in time for Father’s Day.

Kohl’s and Father’s Day is a low stress option for dad

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Every morning, at least a glass a day #MilkDrive for good #ad

I have partnered with Life of Dad and Milk Life for this promotion.  I received compensation for my participation, but my mojo for Milk isn’t just due to that stylish white stache I got. June is a great month for milk. Not only is it National Dairy Month, but The Great American Milk Drive is happening this month. That’s a lot of potentially cheese activities happening, but it’s all for a great cause and here’s how you can support it, with a contest a la Thunderdome and a gaggle of guy bloggers.

Unless you start your day with @milklife your day is doomed. #MilkDrive #ad

A photo posted by Trey Burley (@treyburley) on

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MomoCon day 2: the cosplay and vendors

Our second day at MomoCon started early because we wanted to catch as many great photos as possible. The Saturday crowds at MomoCon are much bigger than the Friday ones, which only make sense. With the people came the costumes and they were everywhere! As we stated in our overview of MomoCon, they were all family friendly and we saw people of all ages dressed up to varying degrees. MomoCon 2014 had 38,000 attending and by the crowds I saw the 2015 version will easily surpass that number.

  • Vendors at MomoCon 2015

Random observations from our time on the floor.  It was great to see a millennial score 2.5 million on the Doctor Who pinball machine. The volunteer staff was extremely helpful with questions of all sort. The break-outs were all very informative, but an information card with who is presenting would be nice so that we can tweet them. If you need a costume-ask anyone and they know someone who can make you anything.

There are lots of night time MomoCon activities too. The program for the event is very clear to point out that these activities are more adult oriented and not meant for kids under 18. Case in point there was a rave last night that went on until 4AM.

The second day of MomoCon also brought out more older  cosplay. There were still hundreds of younger cosplayers, but the college age crowd was obviously there for some serious cosplay and fun today.

MomoCon 2016 has been announced and is May 26-29th, that’s Memorial Day Weekend at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta.

MomoCon, a family friendly gathering of anime, comics & more

MomoCon for 2015 is May 28-31rst, we went today with the kids and it was absolutely amazing. First off, it really is family friendly. I understand the hesitancy that some parents have about going to a con because the costumes are too sexy or scary. MomoCon has just enough edge to be cool for the kid while allowing the younger generation to role play, dress up and enjoy the finer things in pop culture.

MomoCon , a family friendly gathering of anime, comics & more

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