Daddy Mojo sees a UFO

The other night my wife and I were watching Close Encounters of the Third Kind.  Aside from the clothing and cars, that movie has aged very well.  When those little spaceships were zipping around Devils Tower my wife said to me, “Do you remember when we saw that UFO?”

I had to think for a moment and then I did remember when we saw a UFO.

I don’t remember much of my childhood.  It wasn’t traumatic, there were no major, scarring events, I just don’t remember much relative to the childhood that my wife had.  My wife can  recall stories from any point when she was a child, places she visited or songs that she heard the first time when she….you get the point.

This would be a nice segue to flippantly say that I was abducted as a youth and that’s why I can’t recall much of my childhood.   At this time I would like to enter a virtual Truth Chamber.  When I enter this chamber I won’t exaggerate, be smarmy, sarcastic or jokey, it’s just the truth, 100% and here I go.

Yes, my wife and I did see a UFO.  It was on Thanksgiving night 2006 and we were driving home through Marietta, GA.  I looked over to my right and through the woods I saw a series of lights that were behind a cloud.  The lights were large and blinked red, green, yellow and orange.  They were large lights that lit up the entire cloud, which looked about the size of a house.

The lights were blinking slow, with each light showing itself for a second or two, then fading down.  It was like the clouds behind the trees, were on fire, a controlled burn of those four colors.  The colors were controlled, with a definite pattern and had shape.  The lights were approximately 100-120 feet in the air.  I immediately asked my wife, ‘sweetie, what is that?’  She saw them go through a color cycle and then it stopped.

The next day we expected to hear about some light or laser show, heck even a report about mysterious lights, but we heard nothing.

Freaky, deaky.  Ok, I’m leaving the truth chamber now.  That is a true story and I had totally forgotten about till we saw the movie.    I wish we would’ve left the Thanksgiving party a couple minutes earlier so we could’ve seen more of the lights, gotten proof or at the bare minimum abducted.  A part of me thinks that getting abducted would be great, I have some probing questions for them.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

3 thoughts on “Daddy Mojo sees a UFO”

    1. We saw it near Delk Road. It is possible, but the lights were large and not moving. Granted we were in a moving car, but using the trees as a reference point, the lights didn’t appear to be moving.

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