Turkey TV and movies that are totally worth your time on Netflix

Turkey TV and movies that are worth your time on Netflix

Hey, we’re part of the StreamTeam from Netflix and were compensated for this post. Having said that, we love movies and it shows. Turkey entertainment can take a variety of forms.  They’re the films that you expect to be slightly bad, but perform better than you expect. Are they good because they’re bad or so bad that they’re good? It could be the lightweight fare and exceeds or the potential trash you watch that all but puts glue to the sofa cushions with a two hour time lock. A quick tour of Netflix lent us these television and movie options that sure didn’t win any awards, but locked down a solid chunk of entertainment time in our house.

Turkey TV and movies that are totally worth your time on Netflix

 While You Were Sleeping

Oh Sandra Bullock, most of your films could slip into this category, but this rom-com gem from the glory days of that period is just perfect. I blame my wife for introducing me to While You Were Sleeping to us, but we get sucked in at least once a year by its magical, semi realistic romantic charms. Its supporting cast is the stuff of legend too.

The Art of the Steal

File under: Kurt Russell. He may not be everyone’s favorite actor, but most people have one of his movies in their Top 10 List. He is the actor’s equivalent to Cheap Trick.  The Art of The Steal is a crime caper that’s disposable, but still manages to pack a couple nice curve balls in it. The supporting cast with Terrance Stamp, Matt Dilon and more add to this movie’s enjoyment.

Prison Break

How can a television series that only aired four years ALWAYS be trending on Netflix? This is not a culture litmus test from 2008. Prison Break is THAT entertaining. It’s also silly at times, highly unpredictable and very fun to watch. If you haven’t seen at least one episode give it a try and you’ll quickly be sucked into another one and finally realize the term, binge watching.

Detroit 9000

Somewhere between the knowing cheese of blaxpoitation films and Lethal Weapon lies Detroit 9000. It’s a gritty, albeit dated cop film that partners a white cop with a black cop in Detroit. Granted the Detroit 9000 title makes it sound like the movie inhabited with large, killer robot sentinels, but that is a different film.


Oh, Arnie, we could never quit you. Even when you do serious cop action films like Sabotage we’re in your corner. In this one he’s the leader of a DEA squad whose members are being killed while not on duty. This is not cheesy 80’s Schwarzenegger. It’s real, serious action and acting Arnold. It’s still not half bad and features lots of other actors who show up to support his post-political career.  This one is rated R for violence and such.

The Brother from Another Planet

Think, I’m Gonna Git You Sucka, make it slightly less surreal, add aliens and put in squarely in the valley girl times of 1984’s Harlem. Now said alien has to win over the Harlem neighborhood on the run from two alien bounty hunters from another world.  This is rated R for language, drugs, brief nudity and bad 80’s fashion.


We didn’t appreciate this film until the trailer for the second one came out. This was a funny film, not meant to be taken seriously and is actually quite hilarious. Check your inner Weinstein at the door because this film is better than its contemporaries (Dumb and Dumber) and laugh out loud funny.

Days of Thunder

It’s Top Gun with cars! It’s the film where Tom and Nicole hooked up before they broke up in Eyes Wide Shut. It’s the other film that starred Randy Quaid before he went off the deep end and got arrested in Canada. It starred Michael Rooker before The Walking Dead and Guardians of the Galaxy! Days of Thunder is cheese on wheels, but it’s really entertaining and you know it.

The Gunman

Think, Taken (with an aging wannabe soon-to-be ex hit man), played by Sean Penn. Add Idris Elba, Javier Bardem and lots of other European actors and you think it’s a Bond/Bourne rip off. While the film could’ve used more of Elba, it’s still enjoyable, cheesy, disposable watching that’ll entertain you for two hours.

So this is our list of slightly cheesy, potentially bad-but highly entertaining movies. What is on your Netflix list of the same caliber?

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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