Digimon Fusion Season 1, Volume 1 is on DVD

Digimon Fusion Season 1, Volume 1 is on DVD

Anime fans in the United States have had to wait to watch Digimon Fusion on DVD. The series airs in English on NickToons and the second season is on the air now. Granted Digimon Fusion has been available on video, but it’s been the Japanese export and unless your Japanese was very good you weren’t able to understand most of it. Digimon Season 1, Volume 1 is now available on a 3 disc collection with 330 minutes of digital creatures and teen heroes.

Digimon Fusion Season 1, Volume 1 is on DVD

Digimon Fusion is the sixth anime series in the massive franchise. It’s about a boy named Mikey who uses the power of Digimon to save the digital world. For adults reading it’s kind of like the Matrix and Mikey is Neo with the Digimon being Morpheaus.

Our five-year old grasped onto this series very quickly. He saw some of Digimon Tamers with me, but didn’t stick around for another episode. With Digimon Fusion he quickly proclaimed that this was his favorite show and that he wanted to watch the ‘movie’.

‘the movie’ is what he calls anything on DVD.  Anything that I watch on DVD is automatically called ‘daddy’s favorite show’.  I’m not sure what the disconnect is between his viewing and my viewing, regardless, he clamors for it whenever he’s got a spare moment.

The show has a very quick pace and you’re immediately thrust into the world of Shoutmon, Doruluman, Ballistamon and more. Parents, don’t let the ‘mon’ suffix fool you, there are no Jamaicans anywhere in the show. This is all robots, child friendly monsters or teens who are trying to save the world using digitally enhanced creatures from another dimension. The show is rated for children 7 and up, having said that our 6 year old loves it, but his 4 year old brother is overwhelmed by the action most of the time.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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