Little Tikes Fish N’ Splash Water Table review

Little Tikes Fish N’ Splash Water Table review

Hey, we received the item for review purposes. All thoughts are our own. There are a couple mandatory items that I have for children three and under. They include a good quality stroller, a sandbox (with some sand toys!), building blocks for inside play and a water table.  We did not get a water table for our oldest until he was almost four and he immediately gravitated towards it. Currently our almost four year old can’t get enough of the Little Tikes Fish N’ Splash Water Table. It’s his go-to play area when he’s outside and his almost six year old brother gets in on the action too.

Little Tikes Fish N’ Splash Water Table review

A water table rocks, but as the name might imply, your child might get wet while playing with it. That’s the irony of our youngest. At times when he’s playing he wants to dry his hands, the fishing rod or one of the plastic animals that came with the set. It’s because of this that we’ve learned to bring a towel to our water table.  Parenting is all about picking your battles and if he’s happy there then we do what it takes to avoid the meltdowns.

Playtime with the @officiallittletikes water table. It’s a current of fun, review is coming up tonight.

A video posted by Trey Burley (@treyburley) on


As with every Little Tikes product we’ve ever put together, it’s simple. It went from box of stuff to Fish N’ Splash Water Table in three minutes. The kids were playing even before it was full of water. To them that made it funny because I could push the fish, frog, crab and turtle around the center of the table using the flow of the water.

Little Tikes Fish N’ Splash Water Table review 3

There are four main ways that your kids will play with the water table. There is a red launching pad where kids can place a plastic animal, pull the pad down and then (hopefully) launch them on the lily pad located in the center.  To the left of that is a yellow spinning psychedelic dial that turns in a circle and apparently hypnotizes children while creating a pattern in the water.  The largest piece is a fish bowl that dumps water down a slide where it ends up on the spinning lily pad in the center. This area is big enough for the plastic animals to slide down, creating a scaled down water park for your child’s new plastic friends.

Little Tikes Fish N’ Splash Water Table review 3

The fishing pole, plastic animals and cup are the main attraction for our kids. They can catch the animals, scoop em up, put them on the water slide or sling them across the pond using the launcher. The animals are numbered 1 to 5 and are have different colors, so it’s a great chance to have them learn or practice colors, numbers and some hand/eye coordination.

Little Tikes Fish N’ Splash Water Table review

If your child is two then this will entertain them for years. As there are no moving parts to rust or break it’s something that will last that long with no issues at all. Our previous Little Tikes Water Table was with us for two years before we upgraded to this one. And even then it worked fine, we just gave it to a friend who needed it.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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