Father’s Day at CVS with Dove Men Care-a practical gifting trifecta #Ad

Father’s Day at CVS with Dove Men Care-a practical gifting trifecta #Ad

This is a sponsored post from Lunchbox and we were compensated for it. All thoughts are from our good smelling own self. Father’s Day sneaks up on you doesn’t it? It’s the early part of summer, school just got out and for the most part; dads don’t tell people what they want.  Having said that it’s Father’s Day and you know that dads everywhere will get gifts, some will be effective while others might end up in the donation pile next week.  This year, show dads that you care by getting him something that can really use.

Father’s Day at CVS with Dove Men Care-a practical gifting trifecta #Ad

My dad’s default Father’s Gift (that he actually requests) are socks and underwear. Until I learned better that was my default gift too. Shockingly, I learned that guys can purchase their own socks and underwear and are not limited to purchasing them only in mid-June.

“I don’t need anything” was another knee jerk response my father would give. Needs are different than wants for sure and that’s what is great about special days like Father’s Day. It lets dads (of which I am one now) get away with saying that they want or need something.

Last year my children gave me the home made crafts that they did in school and a couple that mom assisted them with. They’re cute and in that stage where hand made crafts are their scene. I love them, and despite their near genius I.Q., they’re not good at giving gifts.

Case in point I let our oldest pick out the cards that he gives mom for any occasion.  I give him a set area to choose from and he picks the one that he thinks is right. One time it was a birthday card for a child (for mom’s birthday), a blank card with a duck on it and once with a giant pickle about to crush a city.

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If the kids want to help out with the gift giving process this Father’s Day they can get a leg up by going to CVS to find something that’s wanted and needed for dad. Dad needs to smell good and, with any luck, they also want to smell good and be clean. A simple Father’s Day fix is to go to CVS, get some Dove Men + Care.

Some of deals at CVS on Dove Men+Care are 2 or $8 body wash, bar, deodorant, or hair products you’re your extrabucks® Rewards Card, offer valid 6/7/15-6/13/15. You could also dig into 2 for $11 Dove Men + Care face care products from the same time frame.

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We’ve used Dove Men+Care for years. I started using it because it makes me smell nice and my wife likes it. Half of the secret to a happy marriage is knowing what your wife wants and doing it proactively.

Being clean and needing to smell nice for the wife would be a good enough of a reason to continue using it but wait, there’s more. Dove Men + Care have stepped to the front of the field as the company that supports and understands dads.  From their Super Bowl ad to their support of the Dad 2.0 Summit they know how to speak dad and it’s quite effective.

If you’re in a pinch for what to get dad this Father’s Day then visit CVS. Build dad a care package of his favorite Dove + Men Care products. There’s stuff for his head, face and body, all of which need daily attention, lest his better half or the kids take note of funky odors.

Father’s Day at CVS with Dove Men Care-a practical gifting trifecta #Ad  2

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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