I have partnered and was compensated by Life of Dad, LLC and TuneIn for this promotion I’m kind of a radio snob. I worked in radio for many years and am thankful that I don’t work there anymore. Pick a style of music, any music and it repeats and repeats-every 4-5 hours with a key couple of songs. I love most forms of music too, but my ears crave new sounds. To make matters more challenging I’m a music worker and am more productive when music is in the background. TuneIn is the app that brings me back to radio, makes me thankful for aspects of it and allows me to travel the world from my smart phone.
There is a lot for your head to get around and embrace about TuneIn. It’s an app that can sort by trends, location, music, sports, news or language.
For example you click on music and you get over 30 different categories to choose from. Adult contemporary, bollywood, disco, oldies, polka, rock, world and dozens of others to look over will present themselves. Once you select that category it will give you options of several stations that play that format, some of which might be located near you.
If that station is something that you want to save for quicker reference just add that to your favorites and continue listening.
Your English speaking AOR is too blasé for you? Jump in the deepend and search by languages or location. That will open up the world to you. Select your country and then you can search by music, news or sports. Some of those categories won’t be available in every language. For example, Estonian only includes music and talk. Bummer, your Estonian soccer scores aren’t here, try looking in the sports channels and you’ll almost certainly find it there.
After you select music in your desired language that opens up the dozens of different styles of music. You want 60’s pop in French, OK. Icelandic Top 40, Russian folk, Japanese metal-you get the point. There is a dizzying array of music in every language on the planet.
Now, just because you pick “French top 40” doesn’t mean that you’ll be listening to the 40 most popular songs in France now. Well, they’ll be popular in France, but given the worldwide nature of music, some of the annoying pop that you hear on American radio will still be there. However, even in those cases they’ll be mixed in with golden nuggets of uniquely European music selections. It’s different, shakes up your radio senses and is really enlightening. Plus, TuneIn is free. Free I say.
Learning another language and want to hear how it’s really spoken? Just listen to the dj’s on any of the international stations to prove to your children that there really is a world of foreign languages beyond “My name is” in whatever language they’re studying.

For example I’m listening to Hotmixradio Hits in the French category. 70% of the music in English, but it’s catchy stuff that I don’t hear every day or haven’t heard. For example, Sting, Cyndi Lauper, Skunk Anansie and a couple French songs were all just played in the past 20 minutes. It’s a great change of pace and makes listening to the radio, gulp, fun again.
This is a great free thing for people who need music in their lives, but had accepted that they’d have to listen to their music or the same radio sample. TuneIn is great and will change the way that you listen to radio, even if you don’t think you need to be changed. You can find radio stations that you listened to on vacation in Vail, Charlevoix, Paris or NYC. You don’t have to be frustrated with radio to dig TuneIn. You just have to like radio, because it makes it so much better.