Consignment sales and (almost) free events

I was cheap before being a dad; now that we’re on essentially one income and have a toddler we’re much more conservative with our money.  Mercifully for parenting frugalistas the consignment sales that seasonally pop up can save you hundreds of dollars.  Factor in a website that publishes family friendly activities, many of which are free and you can start saving serious cash while raising a family and having fun.

Consignment Sales

$40 worth of baby booty
$40 worth of baby booty

There is a huge consignment sale near us that happens twice a year.  It’s held in an empty big box store and has thousands of items from hundreds of sellers in a win/win situation.  This particular sale is great for sellers because they offer 70% on items sold, whereas many sales only offer 50%.  The higher percentage paid out to the seller means that they will attract more merchandise at a higher quality.

As a buyer at these sales it means that few items will be stained or missing parts.  The clothing items typically run $3-$5 a pop, with some being lower and the really trendy outfits higher. tracks consignment sales across the U.S.  and Canada.  Just click on your state and find the one closest to you.  Keep in mind that if you are selling their consignment fee may not be the same as the one near us.  However, as a buyer you will save hundreds of dollars by visiting one of them. 

Community events

Macaroni Kids lists family friendly events in the U.S and Canada.    It’s a clearing house to find out about the small parades, fall or spring festivals, plays, book reading and more.  Some of the events are free, some will require a ticket, but the website will have all the information needed to decide if it’s for your family.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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