August Audio Fest is this month at Best Buy #Ad

Back in the day I had massive 4’ speakers.  There were four of them and they were not cheap.  But, as a guy who worked in radio, I needed to have sound that was big.  This in no way was trying to compensate for a Napoleonic Complex, it was all work related-really.  Now CDs are all but dead and cassettes are just a toy for children to unwind; while LPs and streaming services are cool.   This month Best Buy is having August Audio Month, a chance to solve all your audio issues,special pricing, events and lots more.

August Audio Fest campaign at Best Buy


As part of August Audio Fest we were provided with a HEOS 5 from Denon to review.   Once you install the HEOS app and have the speakers you’ll have a sound solution for every room.  Your music is stored on your devices,  If it’s not the music that you own, then it’s the music that you stream from any number of sources like Spotify, Pandora, Rapsody or others.

HEOS 5 by Denon is a wireless multi-room sound system.  If you have a HEOS speaker upstairs in your bedroom, downstairs in the living room and one in the garage they can all play different music from the one app that’s on your smart device.  It’s the same app, from the same device-all that you’ve done is add the speakers to the app and selected what music, source or song you want to hear there. For the record I would play The Final Countdown or anything in the hair metal spectrum in the garage.

HEOS by Denon front shot

The sound from the HEOS 5 from Denon is amazing.  I hear new elements to songs that I’ve listened to heard hundreds of times.  My wife is the same way.  She played Huey Lewis (who is awesome BTW…) and the horns were sharper, more distinct that I had ever heard them before.

At times I look at the HEOS 5 just to confirm that the wide range of sounds are coming from that and not my phalanx of speakers from back in the day.   The HEOS 5 has 4 active drivers, including 2 precision tweeters, 2 mid-woofers and 1 passive radiator that creates the low thudding that makes things vibrate.  The back of the unit also has a 3.5mm stereo analog auxiliary line input so you can connect devices with analog input directly.

HEOS by Denon back shot

The HEOS 5 is powered by an AC adaptor, has volume controls on the unit (but can also be done via the HEOS app), weighs 6.6 pounds and retails for $399.  There are two other speakers in the HEOS line, with the HEOS 3 $299 and HEOS 7 $599.

Ultimately, the HEOS 5 from Denon is like audio bacon.  I can tell you how wonderful bacon is, but until you try it you won’t believe it.  August Audio Fest at Best Buy is your chance to try bacon…er the HEOS 5.  This relatively small speaker produces sound that is far beyond your desktop speakers, on par with the large speakers you used to have-but fits neatly anywhere.

The HEOS 5 by Denon is an audio game changer in our house.  The bass that it produces is eclipsed only by the highs that the tweeters put out.  That will change with the next song, every genre that we’ve tried with the HEOS 5 is the best that said song has ever been heard in our house.

August Audio Fest is at Best Buy stores until the 30th.  You deserve to love the way you listen.  They’ve got specials and more, if listening to music or your TV is anything less than an experience you owe it to yourself to hear what you’re missing.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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