Fashionistas in the suburbs

One of the unintended advantages of being a stay at home dad is not having to wear nice clothes in the daytime.   The only folks that I’ll see are other moms, dads and retail workers.  Sure you have to run errands stop by the library for story time and go on the occasional side trip, but that’s it.   As long as I don’t’ wear clothing that’s ripped or has paint stains I’m all good. 

Full disclosure:  I’m no fashion plate.  Most of my clothing has a retro feel, mainly because it consists of large collared shirts from the 70s,  white t shirts and khaki shorts.  Having said all that I witnessed a couple things with Baby Mojo that I need to share with the group.

Cow print skirts.  Ladies, cow print skirts are not a good idea, especially if you have a wide load.  Your skinny friend shouldn’t wear the cow print skirt either.   The only saving grace for wearing a cow print skirt could be a nightclub and even then it’s a tricky fashion maneuver.  Cow prints look good on cows and computer boxes, that’s pretty much it.

The striped shirt and plaid pants.  Guys, its summer and those cotton shorts sure do feel great don’t they?  My wife hates my plaid shorts, but I love them.    Having said that, when I wear them I do not wear anything striped-not even one in the hat covers my head.    There is even a facebook page dedicated to this fashion combination.   

I was eating lunch when I saw these suburban fashionistas.  After I saw the second fashion faux pas, I noticed that the music in the background was MacArthur Park, the orchestral, easy listening version.  The entire situation remind of the absurd elevator scene from The Blues Brothers.    

When I entered the store I saw a daddy, just like me, with his toddler wearing a backpack that had a leash.  Granted, my family  and I are only 10 months in on this parenting thing, but I will do whatever I can to never have Baby Mojo on a leash.  It’s possible that all parents start out this indignant; if that’s the case I’d love to know what the break point is, so I know to prepare myself for it and avoid confusing my son for my dog.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

3 thoughts on “Fashionistas in the suburbs”

  1. Glad to hear that you aren’t planning to put my favorite little man on a leash. That has always bothered me, too!
    Thanks for the very elegant orchestration and performance of McArthur Park- starts my mind ruminating on a theme song for our good neighbor, Wills Park!

  2. I have a 7 and a 3 year old. As of yet we have not had the need to put them on leashes. That said they are girls and I can see how my 10 month old son is very different from how they act. So who knows, better on a leash then out playing in traffic.

    1. Ah, True that Kevin. When I was a young boy I was dangerous, climing on roofs, bike accidents, etc. My folks never did resort to a leash. Personally, me and Mommy Mojo are hoping for a girl next.

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