The Joovy CocoonX2 Double Stroller is the only one you need with two kids

When you have more than one small child who needs a stroller it gets complicated.   When your youngest child is old enough to not be in a car seat while in the stroller your options open up dramatically.   Do you get a jogger stroller, regular stroller or a bike trailer that you can put your little people into?   The Joovy CocoonX2 Double Stroller is all of those types of strollers in one-and it does them all very well.

Putting the stroller together was simple and only took 10 minutes.  As it comes the Joovy Cocoon X2 Double Stroller is a stroller, converting it to a bike trailer or jogging stroller requires an attachment.  However, it’s worth it because at some point during the next couple of years you will want to use all three options that the stroller provides.

Joovy CocoonX2 Double Stroller on a walk

Our children are almost 2 and 4; the Joovy Cocoon X2 would’ve been great to have for them when they were 1 and 3.  We still have two years where at least one of them will be in the stroller for bike rides or long walks.   In one year the younger one will be in the back watching while the older one learns to ride a bike.

Joovy CocoonX2 Double Stroller at the beach

The stroller comes with a storage area in the back big enough for lots of stuff that you might pick up on errands.  In our case it easily accommodated a camera bag, diaper bag, two helmets and a couple towels.  The seating area has a fly screen that zips shut for when the journey starts.  There is also a solid, clear covering that zips down for protecting the stroller from the elements, but should not be used when kids are inside. Once the children are inside they’re secured with the 5 point harness that can be released with one hand.  There are also two pockets inside for the kids to put some of their stuff.

It can be converted within any of the three options by either taking off the two front wheels, adding the trailer hitch or the front jogging wheel.  All of these options are easy to switch between and take less than a minute.

Joovy CocoonX2 Double Stroller as a jogger

As a stroller the Joovy Cocoon turns on a dime and pushes with ease.  The grip is cushioned so if you’re going uphill and need to squeeze something it’s comfortable and won’t be slick.  Attach the trailer hitch to the bottom of the stroller, remove the front wheels and you’re ready to go as a bike trailer.

We use the dual stroller and bike trailer options the most and love them both.  When it’s in bike trailer mode we put the flag in its pouch along the stroller so that people can see us coming.  We have an orange Joovy Cocoon X2 exactly because of that color; it’s uncommon and stands out more than traditional colors.   It’s not that I’ll be dangerous, but a stroller that stands out more than others, especially one that will be a bike trailer is a good thing.

When you have two children and are looking at the next stage of your stroller life you might be put off by the costs.  It’s important to think about how long you’ll have the stroller and the changes that your children will go through during that time.   You’ll need to get both of them around and if you like to ride your bike you’ll need a trailer hitch for the children.

The Joovy Cocoon X2 Double Stoller is $549 and the trailer hitch attachment is $69.  Until all of your children are old enough to ride a bicycle on their own you need to assume that you’ll be carting them around.  It’ll be about 3 years a child that they’ll use a quality stroller like the Joovy.  Buying a multipurpose double stroller that is also a bike trailer and jogging stroller makes fiscal sense when you look at it long term.

If you’re in the market for a double stroller and you lead an active life go to the big box baby store and test drive your options.  The quality, turn radius and ease of pushing make the Joovy stand out as the best one that we’ve driven in the double stroller market.  Try it for yourself.   We’ve got lots more photos of the stroller in action at our Google + page.

We were provided with a stroller for review purposes.  All thoughts are our own.  

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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