The Annoying Orange First Season DVD giveaway

The Annoying Orange is something of a cultural phenomenon.  It started out online and in the early months of 2010 was receiving over 1 million hits a month on their YouTube channel.  By January 2012 the series had 1 billion views and more than 2 million subscribers.

So what is The Annoying Orange?

If Max Headroom, Beavis and Butthead meet Jim Carrey in the produce isle of a SouthPark grocery store they might come up with The Annoying Orange.  It’s a show that tweens will love and the parents will scratch their heads and say ‘what the heck is this?’

The Annoying Orange is an orange with a human mouth and eyes.  He has other fruit friends that look like him and they’re all a little annoying.  The humor is weird, packed with ridiculous stories and bad puns.  Having said that, there is nothing offensive or bad for the kids to watch in this and we’ve all seen questionable things on television when we were kids.

The giveaway is for a DVD copy of The Annoying Orange First Season and an Annoying Orange key chain.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

My guilty pleasure was Lancelot Link Secret Chimp.  I’m sure my parents scratched their heads and said ‘what the heck is this?’ too.

We were not compensated for this giveaway and are doing it just to annoy parents of the winning tween or for the college student that simply needs a laugh. 

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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