The BMW Maclaren Buggy review

So a couple of months ago I was sent the BMW Maclaren Buggy to review.    We have two children, one 20 month old and one 3.75 YO.  One of them can’t walk too long without bumping into something and the other one sometimes just likes to be pushed around like Ben-Hur.  The BMW Maclaren Buggy is perfect for both of them and for the parent who happens to be pushing them, let’s take a look.

The first thing most people said when they saw the BMW Maclaren Buggy was “oooh, how cute, they put a BMW logo on the wheels and harness release!”  We had to constantly correct them and say that it’s not a modified stroller to look like its customized.  It is a limited edition BMW Maclaren Buggy and hasn’t been retrofitted from the land of shrunken BMW labeled parts.

Let’s get this out in the open.  This is a great stroller because of the way it handles, not specifically due to it being branded BMW.  The BMW Maclaren Buggy certainly attracted comments everywhere we went.  If we went to a baby oriented place they wanted to push it to see how it handled and during random trips people commented on the fact that “it’s a BMW!!”   Oy, again we corrected them and said it’s a BMW Maclaren Buggy not….oh, they’re not listening any more.

The Handling

You can push this buggy with one hand.  Granted, most of the time you don’t want to push a buggy with one hand, but on those instances when you want to, you can.

BMW Maclaren Buggy 1

Let me be clear, you can push this one hand quite easily.  It’ll go straight; you can turn it and do anything, all with one hand.  The curved handles also make it comfortable to push.

The Folding

See the red plastic thing in the middle?  Pull up on that, then on the blue bar above that and fold the stroller.

BMW Maclaren Buggy 3

Presuming that your stroller is empty and childfree, it’ll fold up easily.  If you’re unfolding the stroller just push down on that same red plastic thing with your foot and it’ll lock into place.

The Harness

The 5 point harness unbuckles with one click.  It’s easy, makes a nice ‘click’ sound when they pop free and your precious cargo can now waddle about.

BMW Maclaren Buggy 2

The Rain shield

The rain shield comes with the buggy and surrounds the stroller and its comfortably dry cargo.  It snaps into the frame of the stroller beyond their feet and over the top cover.  When one of our kids are in there I refer to them as John Travolta because they look like they’re in a bubble.

The bottom line

This stroller is awesome.  With the BMW Maclaren Buggy you get what you pay for.  It’s a sophisticated buggy that is easy to store, fold, use and steer.  It takes 5 seconds to fold it and I have never once pinched my fingers in it while doing so (and the same can’t be said for the one we were using before).

Is it better to buy a cheap buggy that is a hassle to fold, push or not comfortable?  Or is it better to pay more for one that will provide no issues, an excellent warranty and be a joy for you and your passenger?


We were provided with a BMW Maclaren Buggy for review purposes.  All thoughts are our own. 

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

2 thoughts on “The BMW Maclaren Buggy review”

  1. I think it’s a little flashy to have a BMW logo on a stroller but Maclaren makes great strollers. I want one! I like how wide they are compared to other umbrellas

    1. Oh, it is light years ahead of our other umbrella. The other Maclarens that we’ve driven also handle superior. This one does have that ‘flash’ and first impression factor.

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