Lace Up For Boston, 4/22-wear running shoes

Lace Up For Boston is Monday, April 22-wear running shoes

Lace Up For Boston is something that was organized three days after the terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon.  Lace Up For Boston is not a fundraising organization, nor is it a pass through for any donations at all.  Wear running shoes to work on Monday, April 22 as a way to show your support, love and solidarity to those in Boston.

I spoke with the creator of Lace Up For Boston, Conn Jackson who told me that he thought of the idea as a way to show love to the folks in Boston.  It’s akin to the yellow wrist bands or other methods used to generate awareness.  Lace Up For Boston already has the support of Usher and his charity, in addition to dozens of businesses and hundreds of people.

Lace Up For Boston, 4/22-wear running shoes

Their webpage has two links that will take you to the American Red Cross and The One Fund Boston.  The One Fund Boston was set up by the Mayor Boston and the government of Massachusetts to help raise money for those impacted by this terrorist attack.  Sara Blakely, CEO of SPANX said, “We help women around the world every day, but on Monday my SPANX team and I will be lacing up for Boston”.

On Monday, April 22 Lace Up For Boston invites you to wear your running shoes to work.   Take a photo of your shoes, all of your co workers wearing their running shoes-and use the #LaceUpForBoston in your tweets or Instagram photos.

Jackson said that #LaceUpForBoston may become an annual event.   Personally, I’m not one for internet pledges, boycotts or empty efforts.  #LaceUpForBoston is different because it’s 100% positive, not political at all and focuses on support, love and solidarity.

You can find #LaceUpForBoston on Facebook too.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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