Little Pim Spanish DVD review

Little Pim foreign language DVD giveaway

Recently we had the chance to review the Little Pim Spanish play DVD.  It’s teaches children words in Spanish that revolve around play and our children love it.  3YO Mojo calls it the ‘Panda movie’ and yells to see it.  The fact that it’s educational is gravy and makes me feel like superdad with my child yelling at me to learn. 

I did struggle for a bit as to what language we should teach them.  Chinese makes sense because of the huge amount of people that will be speaking it, not to mention that they’ll hold most of our debt in the future.  Japanese and French both make sense because I speak a little bit of them.

In the end I went with Spanish because it’s commonly used and is a gateway language to other European based tongues.  Spanish also has the same rhyme that Japanese does in that a majority of the words are created using two letter sounds, like ‘ma’, ‘to’, ‘he’ and so forth.

The folks at Little Pim have offered up a DVD to a reader so that they can help their child learn a second language.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Good luck!

We were provided with a complimentary copy of the DVD for our initial review.  This giveaway is being done solely to pass along freebies to readers of Daddy Mojo. 

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

7 thoughts on “Little Pim foreign language DVD giveaway”

  1. While, I sprinkle in Spanish, Italian and French, I’d love for the whole family to learn French, actually.

  2. nothing yet still too young, will let them pick when they’re older, spanish would probably come in handy

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